voices of transition

Voices of Transition is an inspirational look at problems and solutions to the food security challenges we face as a society. Sally Jenkins, as representative for the project Grofun (Growing Real Organic Food in Urban Neighbourhoods)[10] shows how she plants food in her front yard to inspire her neighbours to do the same. It explores why in the interviewees' view the current industrial model is not up to the task of feeding the world's people. Contemporary Artists from Slovenia is an Imago Mundi collection, a cultural, democratic, global, non-profit project, promoted by Luciano Benetton with the aim of creating the widest possible mapping of the different contemporary artistic experiences of our world. With our tiny steps and collective solidarity, we will make sure the Tree of Life flourishes and grows! What role could the trees play? 0 Reviews. We meet scientists, agronomists, permaculture designers and Transition Town pioneers. The film takes as its starting point the adverse impacts of today’s globalised agricultural industry and highlights alternative approaches better suited to ensuring the long-term future of agriculture. In France, farmers and researchers demonstrate that agroforestry techniques, which imitate natural ecosystems, have enormous potential for our agriculture. Further, the film highlights barter markets, local currencies such as the Totnes Pound[9] and events where plants are planted with the goal of making 'edible cities'. How to create local resilience? Voices of Transition examines the danger posed to agricultural production by energy and resource scarcity. [19][20] The film is being independently distributed in Germany. All Titles All films in our collection; GLOBAL Environmental issues and their global impact. Using interviews and overlays of graphics and text, the film presents the current problems facing industrial agriculture. “Voices of Transition” looks at different forms of agriculture and food production. Director Nils Aguilar explained in an interview that he was "deeply moved"[14] by the experience of large agricultural companies using thugs to silence indigenous groups protesting against their displacement in Argentina. Produced entirely independently, free from broadcaster or film school precepts, the film would not have been possible without long years of passionate unremunerated work and the help of crowdfunders from across the entire planet. [17], The film depended in large part on voluntary help, as a result of the fact that the Director himself produced the low-budget film. Because of this, Cuba's forced development could serve as an example for other countries whose resource shortages are yet to come. ", "Im Gespräch mit: Nils Aguilar – Globale Transition-Initiativen", "Funders & Partners – Voices of Transition", Cinema Verde festival Gainesville, Florida, "The Top Ten films as chosen by Transition initiatives! New: The film is now available in 20 different languages! It makes clear that these current and impending crises are, in fact, positive challenges! According to the film every calorie of energy contained in a food source currently takes between 10 and 20 calories of crude oil in the production of fertilizers and transportation to produce, leading to a strong dependence of the cost of food on oil prices. As a historic transition unfolds, this film is a very powerful tool. The pioneers of this global movement share a positive vision: a new food system in which soils and people once again support each other in a balanced and sustainable way. Furthermore, the film argues that the overuse of inorganic fertilizers has been responsible for the loss of soil fertility and threatens the complete loss of usable soil within the next decades through soil erosion and sinking crop yields. "[55], David Bollier, author and co-founder of the Commons Strategies Group, headlines a blog entry: "inspiring new film on the agriculture that we need"[56], "Der Tübinger Nils Aguilar und sein Film "Voices of Transition, "They don't just shop local in Totnes – they have their very own currency", "The Avery Diet: The Hudson Institute's Misinformation Campaign Against Cuban Agriculture", "How Can Cuba's Sustainable Agriculture Survive the Peace? "in an interview with the filmmaker. Voices of Transition makes us reflect on our means and their long-term consequences. As a result of peak oil and increasing oil prices this dependence will lead to ever increasing food prices. This precious film … is about shaping the future here and now! Berlin: Milpafilms, 2012. Voices of Transition (Cultures en Transition in French) is a 2012[1] documentary film by film director and producer Nils Aguilar. "[14], The stated aim of the project is to give the Transition Towns Movement an educational tool with which to promote organic agriculture. Powered by the conviction that crisis can be a major catalyst for change, Voices of Transition present paths towards a new model of human existence: one which is fair, environmentally sound and fulfilling, with soil and people supporting each other in a balanced and sustainable system. Vandana Shiva Activist and winner of the Right Livelihood Award Voices of Transition educates, opens minds to new possibilities and presents a new vision of how our food system could be. With our tiny steps and collective solidarity, we can make sure the Tree of Life flourishes and grows! Article 12 of The United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) states that children have the right to have their opinions taken into account and their views respected in decision-making that affects them (UN, 1989). A mosaic of artistic voices, both individual and collective, with a variety of educational backgrounds, ages and origins, that testifies to the recognized vitality of the Slovenian art scene. Fascinating both in content as well as in form. These “voices” take us to France, England and Cuba - to communities already making the transition to local resilience. A further application is shown on farmlands, where rows of trees are planted with cereal crops in between. "[17] As a result, Aguilar decided to master the project as a "non-specialist autodidact", which took around four years. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. It explores agroforestry models in France, permaculture and TRANSITION TOWN initiatives in England and the organic farming revolution in Cuba. The film was awarded the Prize of the Public at the Univerciné Festival Nantes 2017,[51] a Main prize in the category "Ecological Success Stories" at the Ekotopfilm-Festival[52] and the Rector's award at the Festival Agrofilm 2015.,[53] amongst others. Brief an die deutschen Staatsminister: Wann werden Agroforstsysteme endlich gefördert? ", Professor Niko Paech, Chairman of the German Association for Ecological Economy (Vereinigung für Ökologische Ökonomie) wrote: "I’m more excited about this film than any of the others looking at these topics. The loss of workplaces, the concentration of land in the hands of a few (allegedly a farm closes every 23 minutes in France) as well as the dependence on large corporations are enumerated as side effects of the industrialisation of agriculture since the 1920s. I’ve already seen it five times - more than Blade Runner and High Noon! [16] Aguilar, born 1980 in Tübingen,[5] started the project with a Co-Director who left the film early on as he "…didn't really believe in it. Voices of Transition educates, opens minds to new possibilities and presents a new vision of how our food system could be. What people are saying - Write a review. [18] Two successful crowdfunding campaigns also contributed to the making of the documentary. Fernando Funes-Monzote, co-founder of the Grupo de Agricultura Organica (winners of the 1999 Right Livelihood Award)[12] appears as the main interviewee. Voices of Transition 37 as the intellectual concept that an artist channels through half-century long dictatorship has regulated institu- a variable spectrum of media, concepts that they are in a tions and minds, AHD is institutionalised at the highest position to express as a meditation on / response to power level, affecting also the cultural and artistic contemporaneous or theoretical issues through which … The film was produced in France and Germany and examines the danger posed to agricultural production by energy and resource scarcity. Heinemann, 2004 - Democracy - 366 pages. [13] Governmental support of urban agriculture has led to a higher degree of food sovereignty and a degree of independence from the world market and oil prices. Voices of Transition #3: A transition journey…. It depicts organic agricultural alternatives in France, the Transition Towns movement and urbanised food production in Cuba as forerunners of the transformation of food production away from industrialised agriculture and towards small-scale, decentralised production methods. It will inspire you to get up, join in and contribute to the transformation of our society! He claims that Cuba must be the only country which is close to developing a sustainable food supply, a claim which is supported by a WWF study according to which Cuba is the only country to fulfil the minimal criteria for sustainable development. Debut EP of "VOICES OF TRANSITION" for Absolute Emotions Records. ‘Voices of children in starting school’ - Bob Perry and Sue Dockett 6 The Voices of Children project In June, 2006, the Illawarra Transition to School Network commenced planning a small investigation into the ways in which primary school children can be actively involved in the Research on transition has focused primarily on pupil voice with little discussion on how practitioners view transition processes and practice (Cuconato, du Bois-Reymond and Lunabba, 2015). [2] The German cinema debut was held on 2 May 2013[3] as part of a wider German cinema tour,[4] followed or preceded by theatrical releases and tours in Italy[34], USA[35], Portugal[36] Wallonia[5] and Flanders[6] (Belgium), Great Britain[7], Argentina and Chile.[9]. [55], Bill McKibben, American Journalist and climate activist commented, "as this film shows, we can transition to a new world – there's a way, provided we summon the will!" Companies, such as Monsanto and Bayer, control everything from seed stock to fertilizers and the necessary chemical mixes for hybrid plants, thereby controlling the entire supply chain. This is an “action movie” in the truest sense. Includes initiatives to address and mitigate: analysis, identification and resolution. The second part of the film depicts the British Transition Towns initiative, whose local actors claim to promote a more liveable future by building resilient structures in anticipation of the threats of peak oil, climate change and economic crises. 7 songs surrounded by an atmosphere of melancholia, darkness, passion and feelings unspoken in an acoustic/folk key. I’ve already seen it five times – more than Blade Runner and High Noon! The Cinema Politica Festival screened the film in six Canadian universities. By focusing on immediate profit and ignoring millennia of experience in agronomy, agroindustry is responsible for the unprecedented erosion of soils now occurring around the world. The final third of the film turns to Cuba, whose agriculture was cut off from the use of crude oil and global food markets at the beginning of the 1990s due to the fall of the Soviet Union. I’m more excited about this film than any of the others looking at these topics. About GPF. "Voices of Transition“ highlights a highly relevant and little documented subject and creates a strong reference to our basis of existence. Immensely valuable for our educational work. Co-founder of the initiative Rob Hopkins, who stresses the importance of building a vision that will be able to carry people through the decades to come, further explains the whole movement. Posted on April 5, 2012 | 1 comment “I wasn’t interested in leading a double life,” said AJ a former colleague of mine who co-founded Infuse, a not-for-profit entrepreneurship program for … Agroforestry expert Martin Crawford[6] gives a tour of his forest garden, explaining how the assortment of different plants on various levels results in a symbiotic relationship between them whereby they supply each other with nutrients. As experts on these matters the film presents Christian Dupraz[7] from the French Institut national de la Recherche Agronomique as well as French soil scientist Claude Bourguignon. However, while including the passionate documentary on farmer- and community-led responses to food insecurity | Check out 'Voices of Transition' on Indiegogo. According to the film, this dependence already represents a significant weak-spot in the global food supply chain. “From now on you’ll be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be,” said a letter addressed to Anne Hathaway in her role as Mia in the Princess Diaries , a 2001 movie that my 8-year-old daughter and I enjoyed over the holidays. It depicts organic agricultural alternatives in France, the Transition Towns movement and urbanised food production in Cubaas forerunners of the transformation of food production away from industrialised agriculture and towards small-scale, decent… You know, I hear people say that they are really having fun in college, trying new things, new people, new places, new everything. Category Archives: Voices of Transition. Activist and winner of the Right Livelihood Award, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. https://youtu.be/vWa2PgiBxAA. The film argues that this development was supported through subsidies from the World Bank. According to him this will act both as the means to jointly prepare for looming crises while simultaneously re-learning to enjoy life. Fascinating in both content and delivery. [21], A very first prescreening of the yet unfinalised film was organised during the Transition Towns movement conference in Hannover in November 2010.[22]. Transition Voices on Social Justice – Part One By Guest Author 8th April 2021 In February freelance journalist Abigail Sykes contacted Transition Network to hear about international examples of Transitioners working on social justice and inclusion. Voices of the Transition: The Politics, Poetics and Practices of Social Change in South Africa. As this film shows, there's a way we can transition to a new world, provided we summon the will! Interviews with Vandana Shiva, the founder of the Transition Towns movement Rob Hopkins and various agricultural experts serve to argue this viewpoint. Slovenia: Voices of Transition 133 ARTWORKS. We felt hearing the voices of a range of stakeholders involved in transition was important to understand better how to ensure a smooth process for learners. Voices of Transition presents innovative, inspirational – and concrete – solutions to the food security challenges we humans increasingly face. The film was chosen as one of the ten most popular films by the Transition Towns initiative. Transition: Crafting an approach. The film was produced in France and Germany and examines the danger posed to agricultural production by energy and resource scarcity. [57], The British co-founder of the Transition Towns Rob Hopkins has said of the film that it "...educates, opens minds to new possibilities and presents a new vision of how our food system could be. [17], Professor Uwe Schneidewind, Director of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy "a Masterpiece! Voices of the Transition is an enthusiastic documentary on farmers- and community-led responses to food insecurity in a scenario of climate change and peak oil. ", "Voices of Transition – Praise & Festivals", "Inspiring New Film, "Voices of Transition," on the Agriculture That We Need", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Voices_of_Transition&oldid=1004303796, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Festival internacional de cine de Derechos Humanos de, The South African Eco film Festival, Cape Town 2014, Life Sciences Film Festival, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014, Ecofest International Festival of Ecology Films, Festival International du Film de l'Environnement FIFE, Environmental Film Fest (in the Nation's capital), Greenme Festival im Vorfeld der Berlinale, 8e Festival International du Film Ecologique de, This page was last edited on 1 February 2021, at 23:48. As a result, community gardens and urban agriculture developed, in which organically grown food is produced. Examining concepts such as permaculture since 2003 and the themes of the book Le Sol, la Terre et les Champs by French soil scientist Claude Bourguignon further inspired him to make the film,[15] which aims to "…inspire action by showing positive solutions. [54], Several local Transition initiatives were started following a screening. The first year is a transition phase, from school life we jump to college life. As a historic transition unfolds, this film is a very powerful tool. [5] Additionally, agriculture is already responsible for 40% of greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change. Voices of Transition. [33], The film has been broadcast in the UK,[23] in Hungary, Romania, Slovenia[24] and Croatia.[25]. This inspirational film presents innovative and very concrete solutions to the food security challenges of our crisis-ridden age. The "Festival Alimenterre 2013" screened the film 192 times in African and French speaking countries, eventually reaching 12.520 auditors [32]. Rob Hopkins Co-initiator of the Transition movement But to make that real, the voices of all the people who are impacted need to be included. The film offers a tantalising glimpse of a future-proof society – one in which our communities are happier and healthier, too. [5] The film was supported by the European Union Programme Youth in Action and the French Ministry of Youth's Envie d'agir Programme. Deutsch: Voices of Transition, französisch-deutscher Dokumentarfilm von Nils Aguilar, 2012 According to the interviewees in the film the trees themselves could provide a counterbalance to the deficit of wood in European countries, act as carbon sinks and contribute to the value of the land. HDcam, 65 min. Its powerful images showcase community-led agriculture in Cuba, ingenious woodland farming methods in France and the influential Transition movement in the UK, where communities are already moving towards local resilience. To illustrate alternative scenarios the documentary visits places in England and France to conduct various interviews. Voices of Transition. The film claims that the Cuban capital Havana is able to source 70% of its fresh vegetable needs directly within the city or its immediate surroundings,[2][11] with a yield of up to 20 kg per square meter. It’s easy to say that there’s no Transition without a just Transition. View book at Fabrica Store. Online-Screenings + Q&A mit Filmemacher Nils Aguilar buchen! A masterpiece! As a historic transition unfolds, this film is a very powerful tool. Voices of Transition is a film which is optimistic but clear-sighted. Voices of Transition (Cultures en Transition in French) is a 2012 documentary film by film director and producer Nils Aguilar. Edgar A. Pieterse, Frank Meintjies. Our Mission Statement; GPF Board & Team; Closed Caption Quality | Certification; Filmmaker Services; Films. Transition has long been acknowledged to have an impact upon the academic, social and emotional development of learners, which can be long lasting in effect. The film is able to convey connections in an understandable way, demonstrates better ways how to deal with the subject and points out pioneers. "[55], The Indian Physicist and recipient of the Right Livelihood Award, Vandana Shiva, is cited as saying that "This precious film is about shaping the future here and now. passionate documentary on farmer- and community-led responses to food insecurity | Check out 'Voices-of-the-Transition' on Indiegogo. From inside the book . [5] The film shows Permaculture gardener Mike Feingold[8] as he works in his allotment and whilst making apple juice from apples he has harvested himself. The dependence on crude oil is illustrated through the example of the wholesale food market in Rungis. “Voices of Transition” broadcast tonight. Voices of Transition hence was conceived from the start as a positive change-making "tool" at the service of the global transition town movement. As a result, the later can still be harvested using large-scale machinery, while the trees provide a better microclimate by providing living space for animals, much higher rates of biodiversity and a replenishing of the soil as a result of the regular loss of root structures. These effects, according to the film, can only be partly mitigated by the increased use of those same fertilizers. STORYTELLING FOR A DESIRABLE FUTURE mil⋅pa⎮noun ⎮from the Náhuatl mil-li-pan: ‘what shall be sown onto the field’ * The milpa is an agricultural system used throughout Mesoamerica, based on the ancient methods of the Mayas. How to create a production system that enhances life? He explains the high productivity rate and efficiencies realised through the use of these Permaculture principles. Potential for our agriculture revolution in Cuba join in and contribute to the transformation of our society us reflect our. In Rungis where rows of trees are planted with cereal crops in.! Both as the means to jointly prepare for looming crises while simultaneously re-learning to enjoy life ; Filmmaker ;. The film is a very powerful tool melancholia, darkness, passion and unspoken. Us to France, permaculture and Transition TOWN initiatives in England and -! In which organically grown food voices of transition produced: Wann werden Agroforstsysteme endlich?! 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