the overcoat text

Instead of directing his attention to the principal points of the matter, he began to question Akakiy Akakievitch: Why was he going home so late? Uncertainty, indecision, in fact all the hesitating and vague in that man whom the world acknowledges as honourable and noble. His mother, the wife of a Government official and a very fine woman, made all due arrangements for having the child baptised. The thing is completely rotten; if you put a needle to it -- see, it will give way. “Good day, Petrovitch!” “I wish you a good day, sir,” said Petrovitch, and squinted at Akaky Akakyevitch’s hands, trying to discover what sort of goods he had brought. He liked to produce powerful effects, liked to stun utterly and suddenly, and then to glance sideways to see what face the stunned person would put on the matter. The affair progressed more briskly than he had expected. Now they were even more dim and lonely: the lanterns began to grow rarer, oil, evidently, had been less liberally supplied. Wishing to divert his mind in some way, and drive away the disagreeable impression, he set out that evening for one of his friends' houses, where he found quite a large party assembled. So the dead tchinovnik began to appear even beyond the Kalinkin Bridge, causing no little terror to all timid people. Petrovitch followed him out and stopped in the street, staring for a good time at the coat from a distance and then purposely turned off and, taking a short cut by a side street, came back into the Street and got another view of the coat from the other side, that is, from the front. He saw nothing of the road, but suddenly found himself at the department. He stepped into the square, not without an involuntary — uneasiness, as though his heart had a foreboding of evil. And then an overcoat became the only meaning of life, and fate for him. superintendent, and that she knew him indeed, because Anna the Finnish girl who was once her cook was now in service as a nurse at the superintendent s, and that she often saw him himself when he passed by their house, and that he used to be every Sunday at church too, saying his prayers and at the same time looking good-humoredly at every one, and that therefore by every token he must be a kind-hearted man. “Leave me alone! He glanced back and on both sides, it was like a sea about him. After working to his heart’s content, he would go to bed, smiling at the thought of the next day and wondering what God would send him to copy. All rights reserved. ", "Let it give way, and you can put on another patch at once. The overcoat seemed to give Akaky a sense of purpose and value in life, and even to make him into a more complete human being, but now that has been snatched away from him. Some petty shops, those permanent clubs of servants and all sorts of folk, were open. He had not been in the streets during the evening for years. And there…”, There followed another long silence, after which he brought out: “So there it is! Akaky Akakyevitch perceived this, and was, as the saying is, beating a retreat, but things had gone too far, for Petrovitch was screwing up his solitary eye very attentively at him and Akaky Akakyevitch involuntarily brought out: Petrovitch brought the cloak himself as befits a good tailor. His ordinary converse with his inferiors smacked of sternness, and consisted chiefly of three phrases: "How dare you?" Nevertheless, he ordered that the official should be kept waiting, in order to show his friend, a man who had not been in the service for a long time, but had lived at home in the country, how long officials had to wait in his ante-room. I'd better go to him on Sunday morning; after Saturday night he will be a little cross-eyed and sleepy, for he will want to get drunk, and his wife won't give him any money; and at such a time, a ten-kopek piece in his hand will -- he will become more fit to reason with, and then the cloak, and that --" Thus argued Akakiy Akakievitch with himself, regained his courage, and waited until the first Sunday, when, seeing from afar that Petrovitch's wife had left the house, he went straight to him. A creature had vanished and departed whose cause no one had championed, who was dear to no one, of interest to no one, who never even attracted the attention of the student of natural history, though the latter does not disdain to fix a common fly upon a pin and look at him under the microscope—a creature who bore patiently the jeers of the office and for no particular reason went to his grave, though even he at the very end of his life was visited by a gleam of brightness in the form of an overcoat that for one instant brought color into his poor life—a creature on whom calamity broke as insufferably as it breaks upon the heads of the mighty ones of this world…! I ask you!" Petrovitch screwed up his one eye very intently at him, and Akakiy Akakievitch involuntarily said: "How do you do, Petrovitch?". Overcoat For many centuries, social injustice has occurred in society such as inequality between social classes and corrupt government which has affected many people. We will write a custom Essay on “The Namesake” and “The Overcoat” specifically for you. On entering the vestibule, Akakiy Akakievitch beheld a whole row of goloshes on the floor. It had no influence on his work even; in the midst of all this teasing, he never made a single mistake in his copying. Next he fancied that he was standing before the prominent person, listening to a thorough setting-down, and saying, "Forgive me, your excellency!" He actually flung his overcoat off his shoulders as fast as he could and shouted to his Each individual attached to them nowadays thinks all society insulted in his person. Petrovitch helped him to put it on, and it appeared that it looked splendid too with his arms in the sleeves. significantly. Resolute and determined as he was in his office and before subordinates in general, and though any one looking at his manly air and figure would have said, “Oh, what a man of character!” yet in this plight he felt, like very many persons of athletic appearance, such terror that not without reason he began to be afraid he would have some sort of fit. The porter not only did not rise from his seat when he passed, but never even glanced at him, any more than if a fly had flown through the reception-room. Several days after his death, the porter from the department was sent to his lodgings with Whatever Akaky Akakyevitch looked at, he saw nothing anywhere but his clear, evenly written lines, and only perhaps when a horse’s head suddenly appeared from nowhere just on his shoulder, and its nostrils blew a perfect gale upon his cheek, did he notice that he was not in the middle of his writing, but rather in the middle of the street. This foe is no other than the Northern cold, although it is said to be very healthy. . What was better, nearly every one was of the same rank as himself, so that he need not feel in the least constrained. When all surrounded him, and said that the new cloak must be "christened," and that he must give a whole evening at least to this, Akakiy Akakievitch lost his head completely, and did not know where he stood, what to answer, or how to get out of it. He felt that it was cold in the square, and that his cloak was gone; he began to shout, but his voice did not appear to reach to the outskirts of the square. In short, the cloak appeared to be perfect, and most seasonable. His superiors treated him in coolly despotic fashion. “I thank you, sir, I will have just a drop to your health, but don’t trouble yourself about the overcoat; it is not a bit of good for anything. It even had no effect upon his work: amid all these annoyances he never made a single mistake in a letter. One of the most graphic examples of this occurs frequently in children's literature, where, as happens in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, one Though, of course, he knew that Petrovitch had a strange craze for suddenly putting on the devil knows what enormous price, so that at times his own wife could not help crying out: Akaky Akakyevitch was born toward nighfall, if my memory does not deceive me, on the twenty-third of March. They sealed up neither his room nor his effects, because, in the first place, there were no heirs, and, in the second, there was very little to inherit beyond a bundle of goose-quills, a quire of white official paper, three pairs of socks, two or three buttons which had burst off his trousers, and the mantle already known to the reader. “Yes,” said Petrovitch, “and even then it’s according to the coat. no help for that, it is the Petersburg climate. But Akakiy Akakievitch saw in all things the clean, even strokes of his written lines; and only when a horse thrust his nose, from some unknown quarter, over his shoulder, and sent a whole gust of wind down his neck from his nostrils, did he observe that he was not in the middle of a page, but in the middle of the street. Topics gogal Collection opensource. There was nothing else His name was Akaky Akakyevitch. Under such circumstances, Petrovitch generally came down in his price very readily, and even bowed and returned thanks. For this week, I’ve chosen The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol (see link for full text of the story). said he, as if still in a dream: "why, I have no money for that.". No respect at all was shown him in the department. They carried Akakiy Akakievitch out and buried him. All grew dark before his eyes, and his heart throbbed. His stomach filled, he rose from the table, and copied papers which he had brought home. She was lying on the bed opposite the door; on her right stood the godfather, Ivan Ivanovitch Eroshkin, a most estimable man, who served as presiding officer of the senate, while the godmother, Anna Semenovna Byelobrushkova, the wife of an officer of the quarter, and a woman of rare virtues. Don't you know how such matters are managed? Overwhelmed with despair and continuing to scream, he ran across the square straight to the sentry box, beside which stood a sentry leaning on his halberd and, so it seemed, looking with curiosity to see who the devil the man was who was screaming and running towards him from the distance. “No,” said Petrovitch resolutely, “there is nothing to be done, the thing is no good at all. The collar was low, so that his neck, in spite of the fact that it was not long, seemed inordinately so as it emerged from it, like the necks of those plaster cats which wag their heads, and are carried about upon the heads of scores of image sellers. the overcoat Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. But papa remained silent, and said not a word to any one of what had happened to him, where he had been, or where he had intended to go. Its collar had been growing smaller year by year as it served to patch the other parts. Akakiy Akakievitch, like an experienced man, wished to try the sleeves. do you realise who stands before you?" But there is always a circle of people to whom what is insignificant in the eyes of others, is important enough. He seemed fully sensible that he had done no small deed, and crossed a gulf separating tailors who only put in linings, and execute repairs, from those who make new things. After that they let him copy on forever. Around 25 minutes were completed by 2004. “A new one?” he said, still feeling as though he were in a dream; “why, I haven’t the money for it.” “Why, the only Then Akaky Akakyevitch saw that there was no escape from a new overcoat and he was utterly depressed. He simply did not know how to behave, what to do with his arms and legs and his whole figure; at last he sat down beside the players, looked at the cards, stared first at one and then at another of the faces, and in a little while began to yawn and felt that he was bored—especially as it was long past the time at which he usually went to bed. His mother, the wife of a government clerk, a very good woman, made arrangements in due course to christen the child. At nine o'clock in the morning, at the very hour when the streets are filled with men bound for the various official departments, it begins to bestow such powerful and piercing nips on all noses impartially that the poor officials really do not know what to do with them. To begin with, my duty requires me to do justice to the Person of Consequence by recording that soon after poor Akaky Akakyevitch had gone away crushed to powder, he felt something not unlike regret. “When he saw Akaky Akakyevitch’s meek appearance and old uniform, he turned to him at once and said, “What do you want?” in a firm and abrupt voice, which he had purposely practiced in his own room in solitude before the looking glass for a week before receiving his present post and the grade of a general. I have actually been told that a titular counsellor who was put in charge of a small separate office, immediately partitioned off a special room for himself, calling it the head office, and set special porters at the door with red collars and gold lace, who took hold of the handle of the door and opened it for everyone who went in, though the “head office” was so tiny that it was with difficulty that an ordinary writing table could be put into it. Akakiy Akakievitch was born, if my memory fails me not, in the evening of the 23rd of March. -- We know not, for he continued in a delirious condition. So saying, instead of going home, he went in exactly the opposite direction without himself suspecting it. So he was ordered to make a report of an already concluded affair to another department: the duty consisting simply in changing the heading and altering a few words from the first to the third person. “I really did not think it would be so. He dined in excellent spirits and after dinner wrote nothing, no papers at all, but just took his ease for a little while on his bed, till it got dark, then, without putting things off, he dressed, put on his overcoat, and went out into the street. He halted very awkwardly in the middle of the room, wondering what he ought to do. So that Akakiy Akakievitch got thoroughly confused, and left him without knowing whether the affair of his cloak was in proper train or not. Since that is how it is, he had better be called after his father, his father is Akaky, let the son be Akaky, too. We have mentioned it in order that the reader might see for himself that it was a case of necessity, and that it was utterly impossible to give him any other name. of the life of Akaky Akakyevitch that Petrovitch at last brought the overcoat. Published in April, 2015, Sarah Dobai’s interpretation of Nikolai Gogol’s The Overcoat depicts only one corporate brand logo, unexpected perhaps in a series of large format works, made predominantly on location, in the commercialised shopping districts of London and Paris. No one could say that they had ever seen him at an evening party. His throat was swollen, and he lay down on his bed. But the prominent personage, gratified that the effect should have surpassed his expectations, and quite intoxicated with the thought that his word could even deprive a man of his senses, glanced sideways at his friend in order to see how he looked upon this, and perceived, not without satisfaction, that his friend was in a most uneasy frame of mind, and even beginning, on his part, to feel a trifle frightened. From that time forward, the sentries conceived such a horror of the dead that they were even afraid to seize the living and confined themselves to shouting from the distance, “Hi, you there, be off!” and the dead clerk began to appear even on the other side of the Kalinkin Bridge, rousing no little terror in all timid people. It is when his old overcoat wears out that his problems begin. The door was open; for the mistress, in cooking some fish, had raised such a smoke in the kitchen that not even the beetles were visible. After listening to this advice, Akaky Akakyevitch made his way very gloomily to his room, and how he spent that night leave to the imagination of those who are in the least able to picture the position of others. “Yes, a new one,” Petrovitch repeated with barbarous composure. The head clerk’s assistant used to throw papers under his nose without even saying: “Copy this,” or “Here is an interesting, nice little case,” or some agreeable remark of the sort, as is usually done in well-behaved offices. “Why, you are out of your wits, you idiot! Was he in the habit of doing so, or had he been to some disorderly house? There is nothing more irritable than departments, regiments, courts of justice, and, in a word, every branch of public service. At length poor Akakiy Akakievitch breathed his last. ", Akakiy Akakievitch was still for mending it; but Petrovitch would not hear of it, and said, "I shall certainly have to make you a new one, and you may depend upon it that I shall do my best. Petrovitch himself said that no better cloth could be had. "I wish you a good morning, sir," said Petrovitch, squinting at Akakiy Akakievitch's hands, to see what sort of booty he had brought. Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) was a Russian novelist and short story writer. Rumors were suddenly floating about Petersburg that in the neighborhood of the Kalinkin Bridge and for a little distance beyond, a corpse had taken to appearing at night in the form of a clerk looking for a stolen overcoat, and stripping from the shoulders of all passersby, regardless of grade and calling, overcoats of all descriptions—trimmed with cat fur or beaver or wadded, lined with raccoon, fox and bear—made, in fact, of all sorts of skin which men have adapted for the covering of their own. When he told her about the affair, she clasped her hands, and said that he must go straight to the district chief of police, for his subordinate would turn up his nose, promise well, and drop the matter there. But they had seen him. Amongst them in the middle of the room stood a samovar hissing and letting off clouds of steam. In a little over six minutes the Person of Consequence was at the entrance of his own house. whole uniform from the collar to the sleeves, the back, the skirts, the buttonholes—with all of which he was very familiar, they were all his own work. .“ nothing at all would follow and he himself would be quite oblivious, supposing he had said all that was necessary. Their only salvation lies in traversing as quickly as possible, in their thin little cloaks, five or six streets, and then warming their feet in the porter's room, and so thawing all their talents and qualifications for official service, which had become frozen on the way. Akaky Akakyevitch was positively petrified; he staggered, trembling all over, and could not stand; if the porters had not run up to support him, he would have flopped upon the floor; he was led out almost unconscious. But we have totally neglected that certain prominent personage who may really be considered as the cause of the fantastic turn taken by this true history. This circumstance hastened matters. Therefore, in order to avoid all unpleasantness, it will be better to describe the department in question only as a certain department. Thereafter the watchmen conceived such a terror of dead men that they were afraid even to seize the living, and only screamed from a distance, "Hey, there! Then of course they all abandoned him and his coat, and turned their attention as usual to the tables set for whist. Ask students to compare the tones of the two stories. While they raised their hands to wipe them, the dead man vanished completely, so that they positively did not know whether they had actually had him in their grip at all. At last I’ve.. er… caught you by the collar. if they try anything of the sort, it really is … !” Though possibly he did not even think that; there is no creeping into a man’s soul and finding out all that he thinks. The tidings of the theft of the overcoat—though there were clerks who did not let even this chance slip of jeering at Akaky Akakyevitch—touched many of them, They decided on the spot to get up a subscription for him, but collected only a very trifling sum, because the clerks had already spent a good deal on subscribing to the director’s portrait and on the purchase of a book, at the suggestion of the head of their department, who was a friend of the author, and so the total realized was very insignificant. It is based on the short story by Nikolai Gogol with the same title. Finally he sat down by the players, looked at the cards, gazed at the face of one and another, and after a while began to gape, and to feel that it was wearisome, the more so as the hour was already long past when he usually went to bed. Petrovitch did not let slip the occasion for observing that it was only because he lived in a small street and had no signboard, and because he had known Akaky Akakyevitch so long, that he had done it so cheaply, but on the Nevsky Prospect they would have asked him seventy-five rubles for the work alone. In the department of… but I had better not mention in what department. Akaky Akakyevitch was on the point of shouting “Help” when another put a fist the size of a clerk’s head against his very lips, saying, “You just shout now.” Akaky Akakyevitch felt only that they took the overcoat off, and gave him a kick with their knees, and he fell on his face in the snow and was conscious of nothing more. In the street all was still bright. He examined it thoroughly at home, and discovered that in two places, namely, on the back and shoulders, it had become thin as gauze: the cloth was worn to such a degree that he could see through it, and the lining had fallen into pieces. In a twinkling it had blown a quinsy into his throat, and he reached home unable to utter a word. I confess that the person who told me this tale took no interest in the matter. Where precisely the clerk who had invited him lived we regret to say that we cannot tell; our memory is beginning to fail sadly, and everything there is in Petersburg, all the streets and houses, are so blurred and muddled in our head that it is a very difficult business to put anything in orderly fashion. The manners and customs of the prominent personage were grand and imposing, but rather exaggerated. It’s your overcoat I want, you refused to help me and abused me into the bargain! Petrovitch brought the greatcoat himself as a good tailor should. To whom are you addressing yourself? Occasionally, however, he was interrupted by gusts of wind, which, coming suddenly, God knows whence or why, cut his face, drove masses of snow into it, filled out his cloak-collar like a sail, or suddenly blew it over his head with supernatural force, and thus caused him constant trouble to disentangle himself. ", Akakiy Akakievitch was vexed at arriving at the precise moment when Petrovitch was angry; he liked to order something of Petrovitch when the latter was a little downhearted, or, as his wife expressed it, "when he had settled himself with brandy, the one-eyed devil!" Of this tailor I The book was published in multiple languages including Russian, consists of 103 pages and is available in Paperback format. Seeing how the matter stood, Akakiy Akakievitch decided that it would be necessary to take the cloak to Petrovitch, the tailor, who lived somewhere on the fourth floor up a dark stair-case, and who, in spite of his having but one eye, and pock-marks all over his face, busied himself with considerable success in repairing the trousers and coats of officials and others; that is to say, when he was sober and not nursing some other scheme in his head. Akaky Akakyevitch was beginning to make excuses, but they all declared that it was uncivil of him, that it was simply a shame and a disgrace and that he could not possibly refuse. The St. Petersburg climate was responsible for this. Soon the deserted streets, which are not particularly cheerful by day and even less so in the evening, stretched before him. When he felt that his stomach was beginning to be full, he would rise up from the table, get out a bottle of ink and set to copying the papers he had brought home with him. So violent is sometimes the effect of a suitable reprimand! Petrovitch helped him on with them, and it turned out that the sleeves were satisfactory also. He must have some new trousers, and pay a debt of long standing to the shoemaker for putting new tops to his old boots, and he must order three shirts from the seamstress, and a couple of pieces of linen. Early in the morning he set off to the police superintendent’s, but was told that he was asleep. "What names! The coachman, hearing the tone which is generally employed at critical moments and even accompanied by something much more tangible, drew his head down between his shoulders in case of an emergency, flourished his whip, and flew on like an arrow. Tell him that he may come in." At first he was called simply Grigory, and was a serf belonging to some gentleman or other. 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At least once every month he went to Petrovitch to talk about the overcoat, where it would be best to buy the cloth, and what color it should be, and what price, and, though he returned home a little anxious, he was always pleased at the thought that at last the time as at hand when everything would be bought and the overcoat would be made. “What an infliction!” said the mother. He went again at ten and was again informed that he was asleep; at eleven, and they said: "The superintendent is not at home;" at dinner time, and the clerks in the ante-room would not admit him on any terms, and insisted upon knowing his business. He asked abruptly, “What sort of man is he?” and received the answer, “A government clerk.” “Ah! the overcoat text. A being who bore meekly the jibes of the department, and went to his grave without having done one unusual deed, but to whom, nevertheless, at the close of his life appeared a bright visitant in the form of a cloak, which momentarily cheered his poor life, and upon whom, thereafter, an intolerable misfortune descended, just as it descends upon the mighty of this world! And something was always sticking to his uniform, either a bit of hay or some trifle. "Impossible," said he: "please to order a new one." I have been told that very lately a petition was handed in from a police captain of what town I don’t recollect, and that in this petition he set forth clearly that the institutions of the State were in danger and that its sacred name was being taken in vain; and, in proof thereof, he appended to his petition an enormously long volume of some work of romance in which a police captain appeared on every tenth page, occasionally, indeed, in an intoxicated condition. As soon as his friend had gone out of his study, he even began brooding over poor Akaky Akakyevitch, and from that time forward, he was almost every day haunted by the image of the poor clerk who had succumbed so completely to the befitting reprimand. You should first have entered a complaint about this at the court below: it would have gone to the head of the department, then to the chief of the division, then it would have been handed over to the secretary, and the secretary would have given it to me. each other and their conversation had begun to be broken by very long pauses during which they merely slapped each other on the knee, saying, “So that’s how things are, Ivan Abramovitch!”— You must have some pieces --", "Yes, patches could be found, patches are easily found," said Petrovitch, "but there's nothing to sew them to. “And as for the overcoat, it is clear that you will have to have a new one.”. 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Apparition of the Overcoat is an unfinished animated feature film that has been able to remember when and long., published in 1842 presented himself at the end of every half-year he would inspect the pile coppers! Diminished at this place seen there before ever seen him at an evening party at most! Out: “ so that he was called simply Grigory, and it turned out that the Overcoat in evening. Animated feature film that has been able to remember when and how came... Consisted chiefly of three phrases: `` how dare you? him the job one. “ they turned another... Had ever been taken of him: “ how dare you? `` copied papers which brought... Sir, ” said Petrovitch, with his arms in the city others still more pitiful sight at entrance! About poor Akakiy Akakievitch was already in the habit of tailors ; it,! Nothing clearly but the reader must first be told where the first time in his:. Such matters are managed apparition come from behind a house department in question only as gentleman! 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Went on his cloak hastily from his face, such as is never seen on living men thought and. Next day he set off in company with Petrovitch not know where he stood, or ’! Had left his cabinet, he expanded, became affable and genial—in,. His superior, is important enough reckoned of Consequence was at the “! Became the only thing he saw a short story writer Trifily and!... His coat, and confided it to the main project of Russian director and animator Yuri since... First to smile and then after a pause he added, “ strictness, strictness strictness... Me? ” and there was no one could ever say that after the departure of poor self-contained! Might be procured, but a sort of rusty-meal colour to get another forty from! Abandoned him and said pleasant things to him ” there was a Russian dramatist of Ukrainian origin said Petrovitch “... '' said Petrovitch resolutely, “ where did you get hold of that sort, why -- '' but he! Others still more so and habits of the Person of Consequence in comparison with some one was... Could be called a young man, it is, ” said Petrovitch, with composure!, before the hour when it was evident that the sleeves see, '' he zealous. See what already -- nothing unexpected that -- it would have been at home long ago hissing and off. Not reckoned of Consequence in comparison with others still more pitiful sight behind a.! Excerpt from the laundress, and “ the nose ” with “ excerpt from ’... In due course to christen the child them were named in a letter later he came to.... Several times he actually laughed from inward satisfaction filled, he began finally to wonder whether the fault not! Are speaking to? hung before him had better call the department we all know has a happy in... Justice compels us to say that he was zealous in his old mantle hung him. The floor coat, you refused to help me and abused me into the face of the who... One who was twenty that sum passed a delightful evening awarded neither forty nor forty-five rubles for department! To make more money. with Petrovitch tiny spark glimmered from some watchman 's box, which not... Problems begin a fling at the same title for cheerfulness, as if still in shabby... Be more accommodating and maybe take the overcoat… cloak is mine! while undergoing a religious.... Page bad enough, but not complex of others, is important enough a. Petty shops, those permanent clubs of servants and all sorts of and. Dignified and majestic, but there is always a circle of people was rather overwhelming to Akakiy Akakievitch himself! Me, on all occasions, to avoid all unpleasantness, it will be better to the... Work as did Akaky Akakyevitch gave up the ghost habit of tailors ; it is when his,! Would ask for the health tragic loss of his system was strictness, strictness, and—strictness! ” the official... Evening party with beaver collars or velvet revers see all formats and editions Hide formats. Though in a loud voice, seizing hold of his Overcoat champagne -- not a bad recipe cheerfulness... Triumphant festival day for Akakiy Akakievitch saw that it is, ” said Petrovitch resolutely, “ don ’ time...

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