so don t tread on me

Yes both sides are crooked however the right is insane and is trying to destroy us all. The TEA party does not represent you or me and that symbol belongs to US. Can you imagine what this world would be like if everyone practiced The Golden Rule? It wasn’t cut up into pieces anymore. The symbolism in the flag partnered by the image holds deep meaning. As the story goes, during late 1775 when the rebellion against the British rule of the colonies was already well underway, the American army (known as the Continental Army) was waiting in Cambridge, Massachusetts under orders from their General George Washington. When something threatens my rights, KnifeUp is the first to inform me. We need to give our vote to the person that we reach more agreements with, the person that our beliefs are closest too. It was God’s promise not to destroy the earth again with water. The following are some of the minor changes that may be found for the Gadsden flag. When this flag came out it meant we came Together As Americans. J. I agree wholeheartedly. Is a Patriot Uprising ready to capture the spirit of 1776? So I won't Don't you tread on me I could hardly sleep So I don't And I can hardly speak So I won't Well, I come a long way from the tricks and the easy road I been stitching up my mind I been tryin' not to hold that grudge Lotta miles, lotta folds, I'm still tryin' to just get back up Directed by William Lewis. Bottom Line A quote from George Washington. But right now, I have no quarrel with you so shut it and leave me in peace. Fed-up of hand outs in lieu of a hand up . The fact is that the eastern diamondback rattlesnake and the timber rattlesnake were both fairly abundant within the colonies. I’d like to see everyone start flying this flag with a notation that says “this flag belongs to those who love freedom”…, Some parts of the United States today have declared the flag unsavory with some [uncomforted] reports about arrests. In addition, he was the commander of the First South Carolina Regiment of the Continental Army. Either we are vigilant or we will be right back where we started under who knows who’s control. They, as a rule, quietly protested abuses by the federal government in an orderly and perfectly legal manner. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. I’m doing it for the lulz….. Like your comment. This was around the time of the famous battle of Bunker Hill where George Washington’s troops were so low on gun powder that they were ordered not to fire until they saw the “whites of their eyes” because this would mean their enemy was in close range which would increase the odds of hitting their target. The word “Don’t” may be written with or without the apostrophe. Think of your life and how a bulk of it requires you asking yourself is this person trying to get one over on me. till then. However, if you wrote your reasons as to why you think abortion is an awesome thing, I would have no problem reading it (though I would certainly disagree with your conclusion). The Iranian hackers and foreign polititical activists that do not live here and feed the people their ideals while living under a regime of terror with a grip on the throat of those that dare dream to one day live free. You’re not being persecuted. Christoper Gadsden was an American “patriot” or “rebel” depending on which side you were on! Funny how you just resorted to an insult at the end there. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Even the much-hated-for-good-reason Nazi Swastika was used in numerous contexts before the conception of the Nazi party. ",, People are so caught up in their side or applauding their “team” even if the rules are manipulated so their “team” can win. “Don’t tread on me” is a childish mentality, threats and fear never accomplish anything substantial. Hey Christina you may be a massage therapist, don’t give up your day job. Utopia will come when we are taken by our heavenly Father to live in eternity with him. YouTube ‘Candace Owens’. There is not one Republican on record of ever owning a slave. For those who have negative responses to this flag and to America as a whole, I have good news for you – You don’t have to stay! Only people who are against the flag and are looking for reasons to bash the flag would say that. To check it out (no obligation), Click Here! I’m pleased to know it has a history I support and have embodied in the past. It is time we start taking back emblems that are adopted, then desecrated by groups set on destroying our freedoms. Still, the rattlesnake is still a powerful image and is actually being used by Nike in support of the US national men’s soccer team. It’s simply not true and I sincerely believe you know that in your heart. The Tea Party should come up with their own flag as this flag represents all Americans. Young Americans will do well to know the impact and underlying meaning of this flag to their history. I often wonder why political affiliation bother to bait people. ?ill fly my flag as long as this country still flys the red whit and blue. And, for those who care, I have 42 years of wilderness canoeing and bushcraft experience in Northern Ontario and spend most of my Summers covered in mosquitos and fish slime, but hey, it's a lifestyle choice eh? If you take a quick look back at history, you will see where people go that choose the easier wrong rather then the harder right and trust me, you do not want to go to that dark place of misery. Basically, you do your thing, I’ll do my thing, and the laws should apply the same to all of us. Enough division. Can you please return the favor? Objectively speaking, we can find negative connotations attached to all symbols, so on that note; any mention of racist connotations regarding the Gadsden flag or the phrase “Don’t Tread On Me” demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of its history and seems to be pushed by a movement levelled by individuals who have an axe to grind against anything that didn’t spawn at a Starbucks. It is no different than putting someone in a box because they own a gun for example, or judging someone who doesn’t go to church- this is a free country. Somehow, the Gadsden Flag became associated with extremism in the “conservative” ranks like various libertarian causes, gun-rights advocates and far-right political groups. Yes I’m an oath keeper, a III%’er and anti socialists . 9 talking about this. Umm, no, that’s not what toxic masculinity is. The real meaning of the flag. The media and the adversary is so powerful and brainwashing. The Gadsden Flag has significant import in our national heritage. Times-Union readers want to know: Has President Barack Obama banned the "Don't Tread on Me" flag because it has been deemed racist? Why is that unfortunate? If you find this offensive or racist you truly need professional help. The only way to get rid of the greed and hatred is by being born again. Not all the stories or timelines are the same. I have had my Thin Blue Line bumper sticker ripped from my car four times. U live in a fake world. I voted for Obama because i got a bad feeling about mccaine…then i soon realized that maybe McCain would have been better. Family values and government corruption are some others. It clearly states the Devils numbers are 616. Its a very selfish self centered statement and everyone with it on their license plate I�ve noticed are the rudest pushest drivers! It is nothing but a symbol of American pride, regardless of its use by groups who threaten the very core of American values. Well I was taught that a symbol of freedom was somthing to be proud of to have in our midst on this unforgiving world planit but we all must realize that we r more civilized in our society. BY JESSE MATHEWSON. You bet that’s what it does. I think Kristiana has been smoking something. I will not fly this flag. A way to manipulat e conversation. Speaking as a public school teacher, for 22 years, you are wrong. And it was usually shown as an American timber rattlesnake, not a generic serpent. As mentioned earlier, the first use of this flag was by Commodore Esek Hopkins. I really enjoyed your insights and I agree with your outlook. Weary Viet Nam Vet. I appreciate your in depth and somewhat fair explanation of the Gadsen flag. Okay listen up! This flag was not created out of hate. I challenge any Leftist too give proof of their accusations. Kristiana–In other words you believe in a Utopia….. Will never happen; so you divise a system that will do the most good for the most people. Many millenials today just want to take the easy path and say there is no sin. It’s one of the most unique items we’ve seen yet. It is a definitive point, that the American Naval force has chosen that flag to represent it’s country. Stop with the god stuff. I believe in a hand up, not a hand out. I’m not really sure what you mean by your comment, or how you “couldn’t get past that”. Some have said that because some Tea Party backers like the flag, it’s now a symbol of “anti-government overreach, 2nd Amendment enthusiasts”. No, but the right would certainly think so if they were. Oh, and did I mention it’s FREE? some people look for demons under every rock. The use of the snake or more specifically the rattlesnake did not happen by chance. Hi Ann; The only catch to your comment is that the only person I know (personally) who flies the Gadsden flag is ME. I love your reply. One without control of a monarchy and the Don’t Tread on Me flag was created to symbolize this. I don’t see widespread denunciations of rainbows in this world by those who oppose the LGBTQ lifestyle! It is very sad when someone believes that being a decent human being is a “Utopian pipe-dream”. Nothing in that article but the reference to the LGBTQI+ community was meant to provoke, and that too is not remotely offensive in itself. I’m having it tattooed on my arm,I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks or how it’s interpreted .I know the true meaning. Unfortunately, it appears that different groups and individuals throughout the country, interpret the symbol to mean a whole lot of other things besides its original intent. They are anti-partisan activists. Basically, the “Don’t Tread on Me” phrase combined with the snake ready to strike is a warning. 13 the unlucky number. I suppose the difference now is in strategy, execution and our technical age of deception. Only by confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believing God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.”, Remember again new Testament many In that day will call out Lord Lord didn’t we prophesy in your name ? There is already so much division in this country because of extreme thinking and judgment being placed on others. But then again what do I know. In a word, it was politicized! And because of that, people are persecuted for flying this flag. I guess there are always two ways to see lots of issues like the breath of fresh air finally coming from the Alabama legislature dealing with the defining moral issue of our culture, etc. That is one of the major problems with Millinams…no history of America being taught in schools anymore. I'm really happy I found KnifeUp. From the Tea Party Movement to State Legislators, the American people are drawing a line in the sand. It’s very frustrating and SUCKS. We at least try. For me it means hot weather, watermelon, ya’ll, yes sir, no sir, SEC football, grits, cornbread and NASCAR. With Michael Badnarik, Alex Jones, Charles Key, James Lane. Our political system is a very powerful perversion of what it was suppose to be. The United States Navy also utilized an earlier version of the flag. He was an American statesman and Brigadier General in the Continental Army. This saying was used on my Tank while fighting in the Vietnam War 1966-1967. This flag represents the fight that we (America) put up in order to gain the freedom that we have today – the freedom to be LGBTQ+ without it being illegal or punishable by death. Never as a hate symbol in any way. You can do an online search and find lots of details about the phrase “dont tread on me” and how it’s connected to the Gadsden Flag and Benjamin Franklin, etc. I think that I will not take it off my car even though I’m taking a risk of ignorant people who don’t love or understand the real meaning of American history. It’s 2017 we have the internet you can video chat with loved ones you can book flights across the world, you can archive your entire life if you wanted to I can go on and on and yet corporations and humans with immense levels of power wealth and influence seek destruction and greed , seek control and angst amongst the masses seek to confuse and misdirect, none of this makes sense to me. Ultimately, because the far right has co-opted this flag, and to some extent co-opted libertarianism. So there you have it, the modern use of “Don’t tread on me”, as well as its history – and my somewhat anemic commentary.If you have any added information or knowledge in this arena, comment below. Definition of don't tread on me in the Idioms Dictionary. Besides, it would be insane to hate god. We are all Americans and it sure would be nice to see some agreement and less negativity. Some see that as a throwback to draconian times and the dark ages and hate for women, while others see it as the first sensible law coming from a heathen culture that values the “rights” of a woman over her own body, but not the rights that a baby has to LIFE itself! If anyone comes to this country I believe they should act American because we are all Americans. The Founders of America were triumphant in their war again This book is a collection of quotes that I believe will inspire each reader, The American Patriot, to triumph over tyranny. However, some versions today show that the snake is facing the right. The passion and pain in your articulation is present and if somehow someway you read this know that although we might be a minority there are others in this world the US and all over that feel the same way, I won’t go on and on but I will cut myself short and say it hurts my heart to no end to see In 2017 we’re at times just as barbaric and cold as the days of the cave man. I was staggered by the sensitivities of some individuals who replied to a mostly innocuous piece of writing. I’m guessing you do not agree with me, but that’s okay. . What rights have the current republican-led government stomped on? Get past that, and it does not steal money from people he! Rochelle, new York have actually removed the flag itself as a public school,. “ we rule over you because we started your pathetic little country ” thing from armed. Think the solution to violence is more violence ; t tread on in! 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