reasons to boycott hobby lobby

Campaign created by. Now, they're seemingly encouraging people to vote for President Donald Trump in the upcoming election, leading to calls for a boycott. If you start giving corporations rights and beliefs, you are empowering the wealthy to create as many voices as they need to do what they want while they and their money are absolved of the consequences for their actions. Pro-Trump aisle art in Hobby Lobby causes woke left-wingers to come unglued. Hobby Lobby’s baldest attempts to rewrite history are in quotes about two atheists, which make them appear religious or complimentary of religion. [caption id=”” align=”alignright” width=”261"], Class warfare, still think it doesn’t happen?[/caption]. It’s easy and free to post your thinking on any topic. Between taking their stance of "women are baby machines" all the way to the fucking Supreme Court and "yeah, we'll sell stolen historic artifacts to help fund ISIS" disaster, I just can't imagine a reason to ever give them a dime. The TSA — Simply the existence of the TSA is morally outrageous, let alone how completely ineffective they are — however there are many that could say funding such an agency is against their religion. Boycott Hobby Lobby and any other companies that benefit from this terrible decision. I’m not going to talk about the court decision or how asinine it really is — what’s done is done and the only hope for the Supreme Court to reverse the nose-dive they’ve taken into their own ass is in the court of appeals. So the Supreme Court has ruled that Hobby Lobby can exempt themselves from covering certain types of contraception to women because of “sincerely held religious beliefs”. As a teacher, I shop at Hobby Lobby and Mardels pretty often. There was a greatly increased demand for all sorts of arts-and-crafts activities as so many people entered into self-isolation and virtual learning. I enjoy Papa Johns pizza and Jimmy Johns sandwiches occasionally. That alone is insane, but if that’s the court’s ruling, how long until someone makes the argument that company’s should have the right to vote? Copy Director, Writer, and Philosopher in the school of life, Tomo believes that honesty, transparency, and logic should be always balanced with compassion. If you have enough lawyers, you ARE the rule of law because you can always find a loophole. Plus, you as an individual can NEVER acquire that much cash unless you start your own corporation. A growing lack of providers poses an alarming threat to the procedure’s safe and legal access. Without any of those reasons, boycotting Hobby Lobby and the companies that take advantage of this ruling is a good idea because individuals need to point out that corporations are getting preferential treatment over ACTUAL PEOPLE. Forget the religious arguments about abortion and contraception for a moment. After all, what are people going to do? Brekke told Business Insider that she found the photo in a public Facebook group for supporters of the Lincoln Project, a conservative organization dedicated to preventing Trump from being re-elected. Companies are in place to remove liability from the owners — they act as a bulwark between an individual’s assets and the assets of the financial organism known as “the corporation”. They can promote, market, bully and buy, but they cannot replace the mass of voices that each of us can have if we all join together. That’s how businesses now have religious rights. I certainly don’t want to support the greed of the Congressmen that benefited financially from this stupid decision that’s causing corn to be a cash crop wholly owned by Monsanto. Forget national banks, national banks would never have happened without big businesses to “manipulate the market” and guide public opinion. But evidently corporations can. A Man In His 30s Explains To Me What’s Wrong With Women In Their 30s. List of other companies to boycott: That’s in the future, and there are things that can be done NOW to help make that future a reality. 1. Shell Oil is known for its support of … That’s how corporations can claim the rights of people. I never supported it (perhaps I can get a refund)? The decision was upheld by the Supreme Court, which determined that, as a private company, Hobby Lobby could legally do this on the basis of religious freedom (per The New York Times). Write on Medium, removing emotional outrage from problem solving solutions, or at the very least they have no objection to allowing their employees invest in retirement plans which do,, Engineering Empathy For Sociopaths? Boycott Hobby Lobby and Tell Congress to Act on Behalf of Women. Even though the top 1% has more money than all of us combined, they do not have more voices. Hobby Lobby is pro-sickness Simply walking up to the entrance of the store you cannot help but to be overtaken by a weird aroma mix of potpourri and unicorn farts. July 2014: On the heels of the Hobby Lobby ruling, faith leaders send a letter to the … Here's Why. Unfortunately for you, you can’t opt-out. Hobby Lobby has caused a lot of controversy this year. I’ve got a few ideas, and I’ll cover them in the future, but for now, here is what you CAN do. That’s how religion gets pushed into our science books. In principle, our government is supposed to let opinions gain critical mass before they gain enough support to carry the force of law. This week’s Supreme Court ruling involving arts and crafts chain Hobby Lobby has evoked strong emotions from consumers and has sparked a number of online debates. And then you should ask yourself, how many companies can someone own? Churches — why exactly do churches get land tax free when they promote their own political agenda? Class warfare at its best — and there is almost NOTHING you can do about it. It’s about politics, and its about another corporation claiming that they should have the same rights as people. You can read all about why half the Supreme Court thinks this makes sense, and you can also read about why the other half thinks this is a bad decision that will come back to haunt them in other places on the web. I wasn’t able … [caption id=”” align=”alignright” width=”400"], If everyone agrees, why doesn’t it happen?[/caption]. While Hobby Lobby hasn't commented on the controversy, they have expressed conservative viewpoints in the past. The War on Drugs — this boondoggle had it been an investment would have single-handedly taken care of the national debt. If companies are “persons” and they can have “religions” — how long is it before companies have a right to vote? They sell yarn and wood. Because they can afford lawyers and lobbyists, that’s why. “W. Because the message needs to be clear that as a nation and as a people, we will not be pushed further to the margins by the wealthy simply because we cannot afford to hire lawyers. #1 Reason We Need to Boycott Hobby Lobby Amid the frightening scare of the deadly coronavirus pandemic, Hobby Lobby just gave us another reason, if not the most important reason, to boycott their business forever! Forget the Justice Ginsburg’s thorough dissent about the rights of the religious to opt-out of public policy due to personal belief. I haven’t stopped going to Chick-Fil-A. Shell Oil. That’s why we have a 2 party system, because the founding fathers understood that getting two people with opposing beliefs to agree on anything is harder than doing calculus while skydiving — which ultimately means less laws and more freedom of choice. Because to put “corporations” on the same playing field as actual people is as insane as it is unfair. Here’s what you can do, let me know of other companies or links I should add, spread the word, and stop buying your shit from these terrible companies manipulating the system to get what they want. People with money use it to pay lawyers and lobbyists to get what they want. [caption id=”” align=”alignleft” width=”302"], Corporations are… waaaaaaiiiit a minute![/caption]. That is because big businesses realized something — under the rule of law the people that can wield the most influence are the folks that can hire the best lawyers. Former Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway's husband, George Conway, was notably involved with the organization but recently departed from the group when he and his wife withdrew from politics. They’re building a “Museum of the Bible” in Washington DC, and Steve Green wanted to stock it with ancient artifacts, so he threw buckets of money at Middle Eastern thieves to buy up ancient relics, knowing full well that this … They were the ones responsible for the outrageous 2014 Supreme Court decision that (a) affirmed that, yes indeed, corporations are people and (b) as such, they have the Constitutional right to impose their religious beliefs on their workers by denying them health insurance … Sign the petition. Corporations get special treatment because they have big blocks of cash to invest in their own survival and success, and you don’t. They are important, but just humor me. Here’s what I’m going to do to make this happen. Hobby Lobby Faces A New Boycott. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. I don’t boycott businesses. In addition to being hypocritical moralists and outright bigots, the owners are now certifiable international criminals. Teaching the Bible in public schools as "true" and "good." Brekke wrote "In a Hobby Lobby" in the caption, leading furious shoppers to demand a boycott. Oh, but it costs money to start a company, and you probably want to hire a lawyer to make sure you do it right. But … Consider the number of very reasonable things you can object to that your taxes pay for: I’m sure you can think of quite a few more things that your taxes go towards that you’d rather they didn’t. I also don’t favor businesses that are favorite among progressives. Stop shopping at their stores? While many critics are calling out Hobby Lobby for the political display, others are pointing out that the letters could very well have been rearranged by a customer. Even if you are not a hobbyist, you may remember the name of handicraft specialty company Hobby Lobby for other reasons. Send a message to corporate America that there ARE consequences for publicly bullying people without apology — if they are going to push their own agenda, stay out of the courtroom or people WILL take notice and will find less horrible companies to deal with. You can read all about why half the Supreme Court thinks this makes sense, and you can also read about why the other half thinks this is a bad decision that will come back to haunt them in other … Jo Ann Fabrics – Honestly, I was hesitant to include Jo Ann on this list. Hobby Lobby Facts: They are the largest privately-owned arts and crafts retail store in America One of the … Continue reading #1 Reason We Need to Boycott Hobby Lobby → Ajae Corbett Deep Thoughts , Just Thinking Leave a comment March 30, 2020 They’re owned by evangelical Christians and donate money (half of their earnings, apparently) to evangelical groups that campaign against marriage equality and for legal protections for anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination [1]. That being said, there is a time for public outrage and loud, angry dissent, and I do believe this is one of those times. I don’t know, but what they SHOULD be paying is coming out of your pocket instead. On Thursday, The New York Times reported that officials in two states have sent cease-and-desist orders to Hobby Lobby, the Oklahoma-based crafts store, accusing them of defying stay at home orders imposed to fight the spread of coronavirus. Here is the real story and five reasons you should boycott Hobby Lobby. The public outcry began after Twitter user Kari Brekke posted a photo of a display of letters arranged to spell "USA VOTE TRUMP." Forget that Hobby Lobby INVESTS in contraceptives —. Every lethal injection or death by electrocution is paid for by YOU. So the Supreme Court has ruled that Hobby Lobby can exempt themselves from covering certain types of contraception to women because of “sincerely held religious beliefs”. A Thought Experiment, Why Mental Health Days are Critical and Necessary — Love, Science, ‘LGB Alliance’ Anti-Trans Hate Group Wins Charity Registration, Modern Pornography May Finally Close the “Orgasm Gap”. Where Philosophy, Morality, Science, and Politics collide. BizPac Review, by Robert Jonathan Original Article. This isn’t a boycott of Wal-Mart, its a boycott of a hobby store. Why do corporations get yet ANOTHER loophole that individuals do not get? Its misleading quote of Achille Murat, whom its ad describes as “a French observer of America in 1832,” is edited to make Murat seem pro-religion, when in fact he was criticizing religion’s racist and proselytizing goals. Boycotting Hobby Lobby After a decline in the Arts & Crafts store industry over the last five years, 2020 brought about an unexpected upturn with a revitalizing surge of commerce. Before you say say that’s a ridiculous question or a slippery slope fallacy, let me remind you, according to the recent decision a company can have a RELIGIOUS BELIEF. Is Elon Musk Right, Are We In A Simulation? In the Hobby Lobby decision handed down last month, the Supreme Court was asked to strike a balance between women’s rights and religious freedom. The Death Penalty — also known as state-sponsered murder. Your taxes pay for the IRS, a non-government entity whose employees fail to comply with while penalizing you for not complying with them. If you think about it, corporations actually get preferential treatment — certainly Hobby Lobby has. They are closed on Sundays and at midnight — ensuring their parking lot is as empty as the choices they give to women is literally the LEAST anyone can do for reproductive rights. Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. But big business has changed all that. The only reason that Hobby Lobby and other companies involve themselves in these court cases is because they believe there are no consequences for their actions. I say yes, let’s stop shopping at their stores. Now, if you have read my other blog posts, you know that I am strong proponent of removing emotional outrage from problem solving solutions. Stephan A. Schwartz. As if you needed another reason to boycott Hobby Lobby…. This is a scary, BAD trend that needs to not just be stopped, but reversed. In 2013, the company's founder and CEO, David Green, was put on blast for telling a customer that Hobby Lobby does not carry products for Jewish holidays as the store "doesn't cater to your people." Again, this doesn’t have to be about religion, because its NOT about religion. 7 min read. Below this post will be links and lists of companies to Boycott. First, a number of the arts and crafts stores opened for business even though they were supposed to be shut down due to stay-at-home orders during the COVID-19 pandemic (per Slate). Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. Steve Green, the Hobby … Nashville police officers describe the explosion Hobby Lobby is facing fresh calls to boycott the arts and craft giant as a pro-Trump display was spotted at … [caption id=”” align=”alignright” width=”319"]. Just Google it. Maybe, just maybe if we put them out of business, companies will think twice about getting special privileges from the government while still claiming the rights of ordinary people. Fuck Hobby Lobby. a number of the arts and crafts stores opened for business even though they were supposed to be shut down due to stay-at-home orders during the pandemic. Congressional raises — Since my representatives fail to represent me, can I opt out of paying their raises? Again, people called for a boycott and Green publicly apologized in a statement to the Anti-Defamation League (per The Oklahoman). This is far less shocking than the Coachella revelation. Posted By: Imright, 9/7/2020 3:00:05 PM Easily triggered left-wingers seem to be becoming unglued, as it were, on social media and calling for a boycott in response to a trending tweet featuring a Hobby Lobby store display that reads “USA Vote Trump.” Heck, even forget that Hobby Lobby’s argument and the Supreme Court’s decision implies that a company’s sincere religious beliefs trumps the health solutions agreed upon between a doctor and his or her patient. How many corporate entities could be used to vote? In 2012, they came under fire for not covering contraceptive access under their insurance plan for employees. Corn subsidizing — this is so stupid it HAS to be against some religious belief. This is bad, and if you think about it, its downright scary. Explore, If you have a story to tell, knowledge to share, or a perspective to offer — welcome home. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has them and they all stink. % has more money than all of us combined, they have expressed conservative viewpoints in upcoming. Here ’ s how corporations can claim the rights of people be paying is coming out of paying raises... Owners are now certifiable international criminals teacher, i shop at Hobby Lobby for other reasons —! Publicly apologized in a statement to the Anti-Defamation League ( per the )... Brekke wrote `` in a statement to the surface causes woke left-wingers to come unglued enough support carry... Caption id= ” ” align= ” alignleft ” width= ” 319 '' ], corporations actually get preferential —. 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