protonmail warrant canary

Since the person who made the report is likely entitled to certain privacy protections, we have rejected the order even though it was approved by a Swiss court, and have requested that the Geneva prosecutor’s office review the facts of the case again and provide Proton legal with additional information. Unlike many other systems. A warrant canary is a colloquial term for a regularly published statement that a service provider has not received legal process that it would be prohibited from saying it had received. Do you have a number or the court order ID where we can review the case? Hi, why is this VPN service free? i am from poland. Hello! On the link “”, I have found on ghostery, a chrome extension which you might know, that it had tracked a tracker called Piwik Analytics. Amoungst liberal democracies, the Australia Government has lead the way in legislating against digital privacy and security. Hey Olly! Actually, this is discussed in more detail on another blog post we made:, I am looking forward to someday having an invite appear in my inbox! Hello! keep the privacy spirit up! So. It’s long time. do you also accept cash, or post-bill payments? С Уважением, Борис. How does privacy work then ? We do not support any illegal activities while using our service and we reserve the right to suspend any account that violates our terms of service. The below figures are the totals up to January, 2017 and are no longer being updated. You should be using privacy based coins specifically ones that are quantum computer resistant. Lauren, I am sorry to hear that! Is there a canary warrant on the site? As a Swiss company, we can’t be forced to store logs in other countries. Canary Warrant? I’m no international privacy expert but the Australian laws, like their UK counterparts, sound very worrying. Please look into case# 38491321 and #38490063, that I have reported under abuse and security. These Request Statistics have not been updated in over 10 months and with the growing use of Proton Mail i’m sure these numbers have risen in the past 10 months. It would be nice if you supported port 993 to by pass secure networks, […] 100% no-logs (via les lois s’appliquant au territoire Suisse). Matthias is co-founder and developer of Tutanota. In my profile, theres the option of see every log i did, that means you keep every single log we do? staff) who has access to the stored information. Eventually yes, although MacOS and Android/iOS will come first. This risk can be counted by using 2FA or passwords involving two or more staff before access to sensitive servers is granted. Is this possible under swiss law? In Protonmail, if you get a warrant to track the ip-adress that’s connecting to the e-mail you will do it and send it to the authorities. Proton Technologies AG decided to comply immediately with the data order, to the extent that it is possible, given our cryptography, with the understanding that the Swiss court order will be immediately delivered to our office by registered post. 2- Are there any obfuscation techniques in place to fights things like DPI? Australia was not left off the list. Exactly what you would expect. I had to come here to sign back on. From how I understand the law, what you are saying it is true for the servers you own and which are located in Switzerland, but what happen if the request of access is directly send to your service provider such as M247 which are not under Swiss Jurisdiction and don’t host their datacenter in Switzerland. I only tryed the free version and now i want no other programm anymore. Please make it known to me and on your website if ProtonVPN is open source coded or not, thank- you and cheers! Could you write to our Support team ( and specify what app you are using? What would occur if you received a valid court order asking you to log activity associated with a particular website? Breaking anonymity. If you're victimisation current unit help., RSA is both an algorithm and a company. Moreover, it also maintains an updated Warrant Canary. Transparency is key in the business that Protonmail is in. Proton Technologies AG decided to comply with the data order, to the extent that it is possible, given our cryptography. many thanks for being such champions in privacy, much appreciated! I’m not suggesting I think you are oblivious to any of this, your comment simply prompted me to respond with my own 2 cents, for what it may be worth, with the intent to help spread a little relevant information to those who may not have yet been introduced to knowledge of such matters. Archived. For you to offer a system that protects such users is rather absurd. The account is deleted from our production servers instantly. Did they somehow inject a new certificate into my OpenVPN app? The issue is understood and should not happen again. In the fourth quarter of 2016, we received an order from Swiss authorities from the Canton de Vaud, seeking information in a fraud case. “Warning:Compression enabled.Compression has been used in the past to break encryption. Where do you stand with the MacOS VPN ? Nachricht zu den Einstellungen. You have exelence service,but reading all this court reqests I wonder what type of data you provide on that requests? All servers are under maintenance in Australia ? But I have one question, do you have any plans to make a standard for other providers to send asymmetrically encrypted mails to ProtonMail and vice versa? Cheers. Apart from encrypted emails themselves, what kind of “user data” was handed over? (All the threats I have gotten are in clear text so no issues with data encryption). Thank god you guys came about… I’m looking forward and hoping for the opportunity to be able to open an account with Proton Mail and have it as my new email address! Hi, Each of our servers are configured the same way – the only difference is server load, that’s why free users sometimes might experience slower speeds than they would with a less-loaded server from any of the paid plans. b. the seriousness of the offense justifies surveillance We will disable accounts involved in criminal activity and sometimes retain data until an official law enforcement request can be made. In the second quarter of 2016, we received a request for user data as part of an ongoing investigation into a bomb threat in the United States. and we also provide full PGP support And you don’t have a log even if your vpn server is located outside Switzerland (like in France) ? My two little children are involved and I go to trial in March 2019. Also regarding the private requests to retain data, receive data etc. And what then if the “granted” categories start to fill up with positive numbers over time? It is ProtonMail’s policy to always assist authorities in cases involving pedophilia or terrorism. He asserts while there are good features, the software performs like it’s still in beta. Wow, I got a little turned around reading this thread. The security of information, which, ironically, the political power structure of the U.S. should actually have respect to the Swiss for, considering their own failings…. If you wish to join the BETA program, please send us an email at and request an invite. Someone has made an email address using your services to threaten me. If not, why, if yes, do you have a time frame? Calling on all the usual bogeymen in their justifications, while giving law enforcement and intelligence agencies warrantless access to individuals metadata and attacking encryption protections. The warrant canary will be updated regularly here. However, as we do not have any customer IP information, we could not provide the requested information and this was explained to the requesting party. Put another way, where do I send my check once I get an account? If there was any request stated above, we would immediately take down the canary. After consultation with counsel, we learned a binding Swiss court order is inevitable in this case. you should also use Monero … because this is really an anonymous coin. «To be counted here as a request for information, the request must come through official channels foreign or domestic (either a court order, directly from a government entity, or from legal/security departments of corporations). This post was last updated on May 29, 2020. I write code to fight for our human right to privacy. We do not support any illegal activities while using our service which are covered in our Terms of Service and we reserve a right to suspend any account that violates them. I like you guys. Need assistance. Hi Proton! You have to follow the instructions in the article linked above. You can see the data we can hand over in our privacy policy. The ProtonMail secure email app for Android brings easy-to-use email encryption to your mobile device by seamlessly integrating PGP end-to-end encryption. If you are so supportive of privacy, why do you not support anonymous methods of payment like bitcoin or giftcards etc. Chose plutôt étonnante, un Transparency Report est disponible et montrera à terme, le nombre de demandes d’accès aux données utilisateurs […]. Hi, interested in your vpn and so far all looks well. Required fields are marked *, Support: Do you recommend any antivirus solution? You can also pay for ProtonVPN that way. Paysafecard is a little more anonym if the place doesn’t have cameras and the person there as bad memory. e con questi dati in loro possesso sarebbero in grado di risalire al soggetto? © 2021 Proton Technologies AG. Sysops: It’s ok to remove comments from idiots who are only spreading venom, like the one from Joons. Mac security threats have outnumbered Windows threats for the first time ever . Due to the small town, I live in unfortunately they just don’t seem to have the education needed to pass this along to the Tech Crimes Unit in which my friend who lives in the US told me the FBI will usually subpoena the information through the Swiss courts. Hello! Thank you. Canary Warrant? But what if the endpoint is compromissed? ProtonVPN operates under Swiss law, and therefore we only work with Swiss law enforcement agencies, and only if a court has approved a criminal case. I want to thank you I really need this service and so does everyone else ! After all, most individuals who secure these services have security concerns and are interested in the getting the most bang for the buck. please do not destroy any data or information for the following accounts: I am the owner of these accounts and they have been compromised by people in industry and the US government in a highly illegal, black operation that is performing a bizarre form of psychological torture. Keep the great questions coming. i have three questions, i hope you can help me: Will you latter on have a software client for Linux , thanks for the fist answer . If you are experiencing any issues, please contact us here: In the case of a security breach, data swiped from ProtonMail’s servers wouldn’t be of any use. despite being entirely surrounded by E.U.nations. Hi Iris. Yes, monero would be a good, private option. Do you give them ability to log in into account and provide them with password,and can judge log in with my credentials even if 2fa is turned on,do you provide them with that 2fa codes also? I have been trying Proton VPN for several days and must say i am impressed. A data request from a foreign country was approved by the Swiss court system. I’ve been a proton mail user and VPN beta user for sometime and have just updated vpn s/w but it won’t allow me to connect to UK servers returning “upgrade required”. Where is this one stored? But what about the private key? You notifie Mac Address or what? However, you can upgrade to get more features and support our mission. Thanks for putting together a very useful service. A warrant canary is a regularly updated statement by a company that it has not been compromised and served a gag order. Can you say what government institution tried to get user data, what kind of data they wanted (metadata, actual email messages etc. They save the full traffic and one day in the future they can decrypt 2048,4096 bit. If it came to that, we would pull our servers out of those countries. Using Tunnel Blick is ok, but an actual App would make my day 2 of the Swiss Code of Criminal Procedure) Since we cannot troubleshoot your issues and help you here, could you please report them to our support team so that hey can further dig in? 4- When configuring the OpenVPN in the router, is every device connected via wifi/etheret counted as an unique device towards the limit of max. Thanks. (fantastic!) Your VPN won’t be able to say “no” to the USDOJ! 3 Months without an update to the Canary? A Transparency Report or 'Warrant Canary' page which in theory reports on 'notable legal requests' and what happened. I’m really taken back n very pleasantly delighted that there is an actual group of individuals out there in this world who’ve been able to create the reality and ability in which truly seems to uphold the same belief system as me in the issues of privacy standards n human moral values along with respect of people… That is awsome and gives me a bit of hopefullness of the human race and life as we know it..Since I cud remember as a lil kid and up to now I never stopped thinking so much about the fast advancements of technology and its invasive and intrusive integration with our everyday lives… I’m very very happy that I’ve come across Proton Mail its the first group I’ve ever seen that seems to perfectly suite me! No, torrenting is reserved for Basic plans. In the first quarter of 2017, we received an order from the Swiss Federal Police regarding a cause of fraud which occurred in the Czech Republic. 4. So since rape is legal in muslim countries, it is legal to rape in e.g. Take attention : if you protect à mail with a password PROTON send the mail but the Exchange Serveur of my office block it without any message. Honestly answer please. Who said that raping is allowed in Muslim countries? Hi, An attacker monitors my file system or memory. How do you handle things like terrorist communications and such if you don’t keep logs? Hello! If that user does these sort of actions, that has impact on you too, who is using the same VPN server, since you got the same IP address. Thank you. Hi Proton! Therefore, we are unable to comply with requests for user connection logs, even if they are legally binding. Leider konnte ich dazu nichts finden! I am waiting eagerly to receive my invite. so I’m done commenting for the day… thanks folks. We do not, because we will also respond to corporate requests such as reports of phishing. But if this is the case, then it is quite pointless to use ProtonVPN without Secure Core. You gave away information without any actual court order because the case relates to pedophilia/terrorism, governments know damn well that if you want something done you just mention the magic words pedophilia or terrorism and tadaa! In the one case from Q1 2016, we only handed over the non-ProtonMail email account the user linked to their ProtonMail account. Posted by 10 months ago. If you’re asking if they’re able to monitor your traffic/internet activity while using ProtonVPN, the answer is no. Is someone trying to get my passwords? I have contacted my local authorities to investigate, now after reading your transparency canary, I think my harassment and threats will continue from protonmail clients since no action on your end is resisting to help. Then within one day I couldn’t get into my vpn. You do not need to sign up or create a new email account to start using Canary. Is this not still susceptible to a man-in-the-middle attack? You should not really know how many devices I use. Author. It wanted me to sign in. only server status (like CPU usage, …) or also user traffic? Thank you in advance. Either way, an invasion of and attack on a foreign nation, not over WMD’s (which U.S. would lie freely about anyway) or even as a preemptive strive on a dangerous fundamentalist ground bend on destroying the western world,but also chose to maintain that unique, individual autonomy by not uniting, socioeconomically, with the rest of the E.U… they cannot play above the law with switzerland without possibly escalating it to an international incident over what? I mean with Proton Mail you pay for the service, so what does Proton get out of providing a very complex technology for free – what’s the catch? Quick question: I’ve been stalked online and later on in real life by a group of people since I was a teen. How will this warranty canary address that? In the 4th quarter of 2015, we received an order from the Swiss Federal Police to retain data for an account that was the subject of a criminal investigation. Has ProtonVPN handed over the private keys of the certificates in the OpenVPN configuration files to any authorities? Only our most senior employees have access to customer details and only do so when strictly necessary, such as upon reception of a legal order or for anti-abuse cases. 94% Upvoted. I went to go on the vpn a few minutes ago it said you haven’t been on here in a long time. Please read the following article: 2. You can find more details on our transparency report: PM doesn’t issue a warrant canary, which is a way for online service providers to reliably let their users know if they have been compromised in the event they are served with a warrant or other court order containing a gag order (Riseup does this.) As of now, the article is quite outdated. if yes, wich one? please look into it and response me asap, i am eagerly waiting to use the services. Please send us a request to with all the proof you have. For retention requests, we will retain the current state of the account (at the time the retention request is asked) for a period of 6 months. The warrant canary typically informs users that there has not been a court-issued subpoena as of a particular date. in your Terms you write “We do store the email address (or ProtonID) you have entered when creating an account for communication and anti-abuse purposes.” Thank you! If you’re looking for additional protection against advanced threats (correlation attacks or similar) we can suggest looking into the Secure Core feature. It’s both compensating worthy of compensation and also a charity for those users who genuinely cannot afford it financially or afford being caught subscribing for possible legal implications. devices set by the contracted plan? Hello Sunny, Hi there! are you allowed to do that? Mind your own damned business and allow others to ask questions so they can learn something, even if you don’t think you have anything to learn yourself. The root of my line of questioning is the burden of information you carry vs. how much the user controls. Even after the authorities have legal requests for any suspicious criminal acts against other individual(s) or a country, Protonmail would hold back on the investigation. We did indeed receive the court order. In the 1st quarter of 2016, we received an order for user data from the Ministère public of the Republique et Canton de Genève, originating from the United Kingdom, which was legally valid under la Convention européene d’entraide judiciaire en matière pénale (CEEJ Strasbourg 1959, RS 0.351.1) and the Deuxième Protocole additionnel (Strasbourg 2001, RS 0.351.12). We have refused to hand over data while seeking further clarification from the authorities as to why this request for information was approved in the first place, and asking for Swiss authorities to re-check the facts of the case., For all other inquiries: Has Protons approval policy changed? Also, do you associate the IPs one-to-one with the user? If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to write us via! You haven’t put an answer on the website. 1. As I read more about ProtonMail, the more thrilled I become with my decision. a. there is a strong suspicion that an offense considered as severe has been committed (a full list can be found at art. ich überlege, mein Konto zu upgraden. What kind of Information can you provice? Thank you for your support. Czech authorities had secured the appropriate Swiss court approvals via an International Letters Rogatory and provided evidence documenting the fraud which had occurred. What do you mean by anti-abuse purposes ? And if they don’t have it, they cannot make the request. Also works for ProtonVPN. Thomas. thanks. Regards. So if I were being harassed by someone with a ProtonMail account and they then deleted that account would I be able to discover IP information to possibly trace back to them? It’s great to connect to your VPN before remoting a work computer when in certain countries. Your company handed over user data without a court order because it was inevitable? In July 2019, we received a request for information that was approved by the Swiss judiciary involving a case in another EU country, which upon further assessment, we suspect could be targeting a whistleblower. Suppose I am being threatened from a ProtonMail account and I live in USA. From time to time, ProtonMail may receive requests for assistance from law enforcement authorities. In your site it says IP information is not recorded and mail is encrypted. If doubts persist and the order appears not to be compliant with legal requirements, ProtonMail will contest it to the extent permitted by law. February 28, 2020. Are you somehow a company of / affiliated to Russian entrepeneurs or something? We don’t grant them. The only senero that happened just before is that i got a email from Zendesk wanting to help even after I didn’t want their help. 1. That means that their company abides by the laws of the country out of which they operate. Wie sieht das mit einer Kündigungsfrist aus? Protonmail no VPN transparency is important, but warrant canaries are only the beginning: some services use "warrant canaries" as a way to passively note to the unrestricted as to whether Beaver State not they've been subpoenaed away a government entity, as many a investigations from national security agencies can't be actively disclosed by law. I’ve used them to not only protect personal communications, but also intellectual property as well as to circumvent censorship. Canary's security suite is second to none with Seamless End-To-End Encryption, Full PGP Support, Biometric App Lock, On-Device Fetch, No Ads, No Data Mining & Open Source Mail Sync Engine. I use ProtonVPN. Your email address will not be published. Thanks! After the 7-day trial period, the user can either decide to upgrade for a paid plan or continue using free ProtonVPN services for an unlimited period of time. 1- What do you monitor on your network? ALWAYS keep it that way. Very sorry to hear this. Why not a payment like “paysafecard”? In the second quarter of 2016, we received an order from Swiss authorities on behalf of French authorities requesting information on a case involving extortion. Hello, I also need to know what sort of data is being handed over. Who changed your password? (I don’t think it’s secreted) I really appreciate being able to test drive the ProtonVPN Plus for a week. , this worries me so much receive protonmail warrant canary process, the Swiss-based ProtonMail stated all of our users accounts! Our email addresses and thus we would pull our servers are subject to us can... Of origin these requests come from in your site it says IP information not! Warrant canary here which IPs does ProtonMail keep a log of the criminal incident was to... T trained to deal with technology-related issues, unfortunately use you as public... 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