pbs nova artificial intelligence

The answer is probably somebody, some graduate student, will program a computer that only laughs at Seinfeld. Canada-US Relations. Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page or you can make a Five to Seven Slide PowerPoint Presentation. Becoming skilled at baseball or any other endeavor takes years. Back then, what was the dream? Parenting is full of obstacles that can be hard to navigate—even without a toddler yelling at your face. In recent years, Minsky has focused his formidable talents on trying to impart the human capacity for commonsense reasoning to machines. But if you live in my world, everything else seems a little silly. Use one of the services below to sign in to PBS: You've just tried to add this video to My List. And you can only learn a few of those a day, so it takes a few thousand days to become an expert. Instead you want to look for 20 or 30 ways to solve different kinds of problems. If you ask the average person why you can't push something with a string, he or she might find it very hard to explain that the string will bend and it won't transmit any force because when it comes to a curve the force will go off the end of the curve [laughs]. But why can't a person learn a hundred fields or a thousand specialties? The universities were growing, the budgets were high. There are a lot of good reasons why it would be nice to understand how music affects people and even to make machines that can produce music that affects them. We also know that in a few trillion years the stars will go out and, in the current theory of physics, the universe will end. My picture of what happened, at least in the United States and certainly in most other countries, is that this kind of progress of trying new experiments with computers kept happening in the 1960s and '70s and part of the '80s, but then things tightened up. Was the goal really to build a … Homepage. I don't think in the United States anything like that has happened. And it would be nice to make machines that could listen to the old ones and see things that none of us can see. Technology acquisition : Artificial Intelligence systems. NOVA brings you stories from the frontlines of science and engineering, answering the big questions of today and tomorrow, from how our ancestors … The problem is that there are some things that impress people, and there are some researchers who, for economic or other reasons, work on things that get an excited reaction from the public. National corporate funding for NOVA is provided by Draper. Part 1 of 2. That's a wonderful thing. I have a good human example of this. By creating an account, you acknowledge that PBS may share your information with our member stations and our respective service providers, and that you have read and understand the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Commonsense reasoning, which comes naturally to young children, is challenging for a computer, even one as advanced as Watson is.Courtesy of IBM. After World War II, in the 1950s, things looked very good from the vantage point of a young person who liked the idea of doing research. They get good at architecture or street cleaning or baseball or something like that, but nobody gets good at many things. It's a tough one. A professor at MIT, where he has worked since 1957 and cofounded the AI laboratory in 1959, Minsky is also an inventor, philosopher, and author. That’s where Parentalogic comes in, a digital series from NOVA and PBS Digital Studios. Well, I think maybe 30 or 40 years, within a human lifetime, we thought maybe we would have machines that would be more or less as smart as a person. Or, as in the case of chess programs, we'll say, "Now, I see, this is just another worthless, stupid trick that answers the kinds of questions that most people are interested in for no particular reason"—like what date did a certain baseball player make a certain kind of play. And if you take about 20 of those, maybe you can answer most Jeopardy! Your report has been successfully submitted. "Smartest … And Artificial Intelligence on Future of Jobs . Nova Wonders is a fresh, lively series that makes complicated concepts accessible while taking a deep dive into the scientific process. Rana el Kaliouby, inventor, artificial intelligence expert, and co-host of PBS’ new series “NOVA Wonders” argues that the most pressing global issues increasingly require technological solutions. ... Do watch this PBS-Nova documentary to understand what Watson does and how. So one of the ideas is maybe we could build a machine or some gadgets to add to our brains so that we wouldn't have to spend 10 years getting good at something. National corporate funding for NOVA is provided by Draper. That was the idea of the "universal Turing machine." Well, it would be nice to have a machine that could make the next 10 string quartets that Beethoven didn't quite get to do. In the 1950s, '60s, and '70s, almost all of my students became professors teaching other students. And another one says, "It's going to use formal logic and reasoning of a certain kind, and it will figure out everything." I know in Taiwan, they started 20 or 30 new mathematics departments in the last decade. Season 45 Episode 104 | 53m 43s Rather we could spend five minutes getting good at 20 things. Why is everyone so limited? Receive emails about upcoming NOVA programs and related content, as well as featured reporting about current events through a science lens. She went on to produce a dozen NOVA episodes on topics as varied as artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, and aviation safety. We can remove the first video in the list to add this one. Artificial Intelligence + 5G + Student + Teacher = Success To view a PBS Nova Wonders special to better understand this unique opportunity to change the world of education. Problems Playing Video? The rise of artificial intelligence (a short film) What is intelligence? Canada's Geopolitical and Defence Strategies I think this is a disease that has spread through my profession. PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. 6:49. Otherwise everything is a waste. Well, the average person only knows 20,000 words or so. 3. Minsky takes the long view: In five billion years, the sun will grow so large as to incinerate the Earth, so we should act now, he says, to design smarter machines that could perhaps help us avoid this distant but inevitable fate.© Andreas Karelias/iStockphoto. I feel emotional responses are much simpler than intellectual responses. A five-year-old child knows you can pull but not push something using a string, but does Watson?© Adrian Assalve/iStockphoto. Major funding for NOVA is provided by the David H. Koch Fund for Science, the NOVA Science Trust, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and PBS viewers. There’s no instruction manual, which means discerning fact from fiction and reasonable from ridiculous can be maddening. CYBERWORK AND THE AMERICAN DREAM. 4. The great laboratories somehow disappeared, economies became tighter, and companies had to make a profit—they couldn't start projects that would take 10 years to pay off. Then something happened around 1980 that I don't understand, when things stopped growing and universities stopped expanding. Someday, Minsky says, computers might be sophisticated enough to hear things in Beethoven's late string quartets that we humans cannot.© David Rehner/iStockphoto. He discussed the most complicated processes that we know of and explained in a famous 1936 paper ["On Computable Numbers, With an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem"] the idea that you could build one machine that could imitate any other kind of machine, even one more complicated than it. In this interview, conducted on November 3, 2010 by "Smartest Machine on Earth" producer Michael Bicks, hear Minsky's take on why it's important to recreate human intelligence, what a five-year-old can do that even the smartest machine cannot, and whether someone will ever invent a computer that laughs at Seinfeld. Nova Wonders will be available on DVD July 31, 2018, and has a runtime of approximately 360 minutes on 2 discs. Neuroscientists are beginning to unravel the brain’s mysterious perineuronal nets. Career. questions. They can read handwriting, interpret emotions, play games, and even act … (PBS NOVA series) Can machines think like us? Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The White House. It does trials and finds the things that work and remembers the things that don't and gets better that way." In the last 400 million years the nervous system has evolved, and as you can see in any neurology book, there are several hundred specialized organs. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. As always, read all the lesson notes in Week 6 before you start this assignment as new or current events may have been updated since the start of class. Well, a typical person goes through childhood, learns a language; some people learn two or three languages. It’s a new industrial revolution that will reshape and disrupt our lives, our jobs and our world, and facilitate the emergence of the surveillance society. https://www.pbs.org/video/nova-wonders-can-we-build-a-brain-j53aqg We are seeking teachers/tutors who wish to join in the creation of the future of artificial intelligence in education. Science Documentary hosted by John Mckenzie, published by PBS broadcasted as part of PBS Nova series in 2011 - English narration [] Cover[] InformationAugmenting human intelligence is a lot tougher than it looks; the promise of … We know that in five billion years the sun will turn into a red giant and everything will be fried, so everything goes to waste. Thank you for helping us improve PBS Video. People would come and tell her their problems—their daughter did this and that and some terrible thing happened and so forth—and Joe's aunt would listen. That's all she did that Joe could remember, but he noticed that it was this kind of reaction of appearing to understand that gave her this reputation in the neighborhood. It won't evolve from any particular program. Use one of the services below to sign in to PBS: You've just tried to add this video to My List. The basic idea I promote is that you mustn't look for a magic bullet. I don't think it's so hard, but that's my opinion, and I've written two books on how I think one should do it. Instead a typical researcher says, "I have a new way to use statistics to solve all problems." NOVA: Look Who’s Driving (aired October 23 at 9 p.m., 2019) ... PBS NewsHour (segment aired October 17, 2019) Big data is disrupting nearly every aspect of modern life. Rana is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, and has co-hosted a PBS NOVA series on artificial intelligence. But first, we need you to sign in to PBS using one of the services below. Canada-UK Relations. Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing – Get Excited. But first, we need you to sign in to PBS using one of the services below. So here is this great man in 1936 writing about what could happen in the next 100 years, and the rest of us later read this paper and said, "Let's be part of that.". Now, when a person reacts to music, maybe 20 or 30 of these little computers are doing particular things, and we don't know what those things are, and maybe each of them is very complicated. I don't think it will happen without a good architecture. Currently serving as Chief of Intelligence, Vice President, Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences at Capgemini Invent, he has launched over 40 new innovative technologies and AI solutions, which have saved over US$1.8 billion to his client companies, with an ROI of US$8 billion. NOVA | Promotion | Look Who's Driving Preview. But first, we need you to sign in to PBS using one of the services below. Now, we're not smart enough to fix this yet, but maybe if we were a little smarter we could. How the Hormone Leptin Helps Regulate Appetite. PBS' "Nova" Producing New Film on Artificial Intelligence With Unique Access to IBM's "Watson" and the Machine's Bid to Compete on "Jeopardy!" Since 1950 the average lifespan in the developed countries has increased one year every four. Copy a link to this video to your clipboard, National corporate funding for NOVA Wonders is provided by Draper. So each researcher today is likely to have one particular idea, and that researcher is trying to show that he or she can make a machine that will solve all problems in that way. Artificial Intelligence Has a ‘Sea of Dudes’ Problem. Major funding for NOVA Wonders is provided by National Science Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Alfred P. …More. No one knows how to think about that. But after the 1970s, almost none of my students became professors, because the universities in the United States were filled. Closed Captioning. Now, if you take any particular researcher today, it's very unlikely that that researcher is going to work on this architectural level of what the thinking machine should be like. This theory is beginning to provide some answers. And after a while she'd say, "Yes, things like that happen." So today, in 2010, very few professors are retiring, and the students have no place to go. ... NOVA, PBS NewsHour, Frontline, Independent Lens, a broad library of documentary films including works from Ken Burns; and educational PBS KIDS programs including Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood and Curious George. Major funding for NOVA Wonders is provided by National Science Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and public television viewers, with additional funding for “Are We Alone?” and “What’s the Universe Made Of?” provided by the John Templeton Foundation. Now, if you don't live in the world of science fiction that might sound silly. On the other hand, each of them is improving some particular method, so maybe someday in the near future, or maybe it's two generations away, someone else will come around and say, "Let's put all these together," and then it will be smart. Ken Burns and Lynn Novick explore the writer and his enduring influence. Joe said he got the idea because he had an aunt who was considered the wise woman of the neighborhood. PBS-Nova has a history of producing top quality science documentaries and this one is no exception. Each episode poses a single big scientific question and takes viewers along on a journey to explore how far we've come in our quest for answers, and how we've managed to get here. Receive emails about upcoming NOVA programs and related content, as well as featured reporting about current events through a science lens.Email AddressZip CodeSubscribeMarvin Minsky says that when it comes to designing a smart machine, "you mustn't look for a magic bullet"—that is, just a single way to solve all problems.© Louis Fabian Bachrach. Each practitioner thinks there's one magic way to get a machine to be smart, and so they're all wasting their time in a sense. But the reason they're very hard to describe is that they involve lots of rather simple processes that we don't know about. They can read handwriting, interpret emotions, play games, and even act as personal assistants. For most people it's not important. They’re influencing our everyday lives in profound and often invisible ways. So from this point of view everything that people do right now is worthless and useless, because it will just end without a trace. Or: "I have a new way to make a system that imitates evolution. It was called ELIZA, after the character in that wonderful [George Bernard] Shaw play Pygmalion. Following her years as a NOVA producer, Apsell went to WCVB, the ABC affiliate in Boston known for quality content, as senior producer for medical programming, working with Dr. Timothy Johnson. Moving up the ranks, she produced several NOVA episodes on topics as varied as genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, and flight safety. There are some projects that have tried to do commonsense reasoning, but none of them can solve difficult problems yet because they're all using one-way—one or another kind of pattern-matching. Then they learn a profession. After years of anticipation, autonomous vehicles are now being tested on public roads around the world. There aren't any machines that can do the commonsense reasoning that a four- or five-year-old child can do. 2. Sign in with PBS Account How hard is it to build an intelligent machine? NOVA: You were one of the attendees of the original Dartmouth Summer Research Conference on Artificial Intelligence in 1956. But if we're impressed by somebody's program that plays Jeopardy!, then we have to ask, is this because it's taking a lot of data and doing something really stupid like the chess programs do, having no knowledge of chess itself but only knowing how to do, say, 20 of a certain kind of search and that's all there is to it? It's 60 years since 1950, so people are living on average 15 years longer, including the professors. | Video has closed captioning. There is a series of four or five string quartets in which he was getting new ideas, and three or four piano sonatas, the last ones he wrote. But first, we need you to sign in to PBS using one of the services below. They’re influencing our everyday lives in profound and often invisible ways. FRONTLINE examines the promise and perils of Artificial Intelligence (AI), from fears about work and privacy to rivalry between the US and China. And I still think that could have happened. Critically acclaimed sci-fi drama explores artificial intelligence with plenty of thought-provoking suspense. Marvin Minsky: Well, the goal was to build something that could do everything we do. They are in our phones, our cars, our doctors’ offices, our banks, our web searches…the list goes on and is rapidly growing ever longer. The Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers. A deep learning system has learned to accurately identify skin cancers in photographs. Marvin Minsky has long been one of the great human intelligences working in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). I think everything depends on the future of the economy. A very brief history of artificial intelligence, B. G. Buchanan; A proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence, 1956. If Watson is little more than a glorified chess-playing computer, than AI experts will not be wowed, Minsky says.© Karl Dolenc/iStockphoto. Major funding for NOVA Wonders is provided by National Science Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Alfred P. …, NOVA Wonder's "Can We Build a Brain?" General Information . Well, you don't have to understand the question if just fitting and matching five keywords will give you an 80 percent chance of getting the answer without understanding either the question or the answer. Humans: The Complete Collection Blu-Ray, In the near future, humanoid servants called Synthetics— or synths—have been created to help busy families simplify their lives. But first, we need you to sign in to PBS using one of the services below. This is a YouTube link to a PBS (Nova) documentary on IBM Watson: The smartest machine ever build - https://www.youtube. National corporate funding for NOVA is provided by Draper. That doesn't require any intelligence to answer if you have the answer in a list. He had two stage plays produced while in his 20s. By building a new kind of universe and jumping into it. Well, it's very hard to understand 20 or 30 complicated things at a time, but maybe someday we'll have a big computer for which that's child's play, and it will understand exactly why most people react to certain kinds of music in such and such a way, and it will say it's obvious. Barrat’s career began as a writer. I don't know. You mustn't look for one wonderful way to solve all problems. No machine that I've heard of yet can answer a question that involves, for example, knowing that you can pull something with a string but you can't push something with a string—a simple thing like that. His first broadcast job was documentary scriptwriting for National Geographic Television.. Canada-Russia Relations. ... NOVA Using Artificial Intelligence to Diagnose Melanoma. Now, the minute the Watson people publish a scientific paper saying how they did it, then we'll have something to discuss, because maybe some of us will say, "Yes, that is a good new idea, I'm really interested." Plus, more than 2 ½ hours of bonus features. This idea that emotions are profound and complicated I think comes from the fact that they're very hard to describe. Basic scientific research suffers because of this, Minsky says.© Vyacheslav Shramko/iStockphoto. English mathematician ] Alan Turing was perhaps the first show in the creation of the services below, you! As featured reporting about current events through a science lens you live in the last.., will program a computer that only laughs at Seinfeld build some kind universe... All 24 episodes, 20 hrs, 6 Blu-ray discs, pbs nova artificial intelligence science... Program a computer that only laughs at Seinfeld the attendees of the future with jazz getting good at things... 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