our dancing daughters 1928 ok ru

Awards The Roaring Twenties has come down to us in history as an era of good times and continual partying until that stock market crashed and one could no longer afford to party. Our Dancing Daughters, from MGM in 1928 is a delightful silent screen gem starring the great Joan Crawford. A great silent film with a great plot. Browse our dancing daughters 1928 pictures, photos, images, GIFs, and videos on Photobucket A flapper sets her hat for a man with a … Overview. Perhaps it's understandable, since there is a lot of dancing, legs, and playful kissing of guy friends to go around. Diana (Joan Crawford) has a flamboyant personality that masks a sweet nature, while Ann (Anita Page) is outwardly reserved, but coldly manipulative on the inside. back in the 1920's, the VERY FIRST fashion "craze" began to spread across the youth of America and soon young ladies actually enjoyed being considered overtly wild, and loved vigorously dancing to the hip new sounds of jumping jazz music. Two newlyweds spy on the Nazis for the British Secret Service during their honeymoon in Europe. Our Dancing Daughters is a 1928 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film. In it she plays Diana Medford, a rich society girl who is also a great dancer. She plays a wild flapper who falls in love with millionaire Brown, but looses him to another woman Page. Take a look ahead at some of our most anticipated superhero movies coming in 2021 and beyond. In Our Dancing Daughters, Joan Crawford stripped to her teddy and tore into a Charleston powered by a zillion watts of sexual energy - and shocked the corsets and cravats off parents who'd heard disturbing rumblings of what their children were up to. I'm interested by the films of stars that "made" them famous. "Our Dancing Daughters" is the film that made a star out of Joan Crawford. Ann (Anita Page) is a conniving little tramp who passes herself off as a 'good girl' in order to win the affections of Ben Blaine (Johnny Mack Brown), millionaire from Birmingham. Story. Two English aristocrats pursue a rich American widow who may not be quite the person she claims to be. Was this review helpful to you? Add the first question. From Wings to Parasite, here's a look back at all of the Best Picture Oscar winners in the history of the ceremony. Good for curiosity's sake. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? The over-the-top ending is the best part. Spróbuj na IMDb. Crawford and the gang spill from one stunning Art-Deco room to another. Joan Crawford plays Diana whom is the life of the party and the it of the young flappers. She's inhumane, unreal and kind of scary. What particularly displeased me. But even when a silent movie is not so innovative or culturally fresh or technically groundbreaking, it can still offer up a window into a moment in time. For me, there are two alternating pleasures in watching silent movies. Directed by Harry Beaumont with sets by the legendary Cederick Gibbons, OUR DANCING DAUGHTERS was bright, sharp, pretty to look at, and just sexy enough to make the censors fume--the type of film that MGM seemed to produce by the bushel during the late silent era. Price Match Guarantee. The movie is about the loosening of youth morals that took place during the 1920s. Sure, there's a lot of girl-meets-boy, girl-loses-boy, girl-gets-boy carrying on. Some of them are grotesques and others just feel clueless like Crawford was trying anything to bring back success. First half hour is a little tedious. From the wallpaper and murals, to furniture and fittings, this movie is a riot of cool sleek decor. She's superb here in one of her breakthrough roles, supported by an able and enthusiastic cast. Director. The studio expected it to perform well, but there was no reason for anyone to think it would generate more than passing interest, much less a legendary star. Synopsis. Starring Joan Crawford, it follows a group of young men and women who go out on the town and party like it's 1928. Page disparages Crawford to Ben and ends up married to him but Ben never stops loving Diana. She literally steps into the role of Diana and makes it her own. Maybe one who had his money parked on the sidelines by October 1929, mind you. When it was made into a movie in 1928… Both films are rather sophisticated critiques of life among society's elite, the gala balls, the flippant attitudes, and crushing realities of romance, treachery and friendship. Copyright 1 September 1928 by William Randolph Hearst's Cosmopolitan Productions. The first two were silent with Vitaphone sound effects, the last was a talkie. Released 1928-09-01; Runtime 84 mins. Her friend Ann is thoroughly selfish and amoral. 104 Lists; IMDB TMDB Fanart.tv JustWatch Wikipedia; Refresh Data. But does the movie hold up to scrutiny when viewed through the old sexual politics lens? He's mostly remembered for "Gone With the Wind" but is he really that good in it? The plot is simply about a cat fight between Crawford and Anita Page over the rich Ben Blaine (Johnny Mack Brown). She's good here but shown up by Anita Page, whose drunken histrionics provide the movie with its life. You have to wonder where this woman came from and why she is considered a Star. Every time I see a young Joan Crawford I'm shocked by how much her looks hardened once she entered her thirties. Art Director Cedric Gibbons truly out did himself on this sumptuous set! Simply put, Our Dancing Daughters is a visual ode to The Jazz Age. Simply put, Our Dancing Daughters is a visual ode to The Jazz Age. She dances, she laughs, she cries, she looks so alluring with those big eyes and slight hint of baby fat in her face. Or at least kudos to them for trying to exploit the public hysteria that simmered around the loose morals of 1920′s youth in America. At the end, when she "triumphs", you feel like the order of things has been restored. Use the HTML below. The conclusion is not unlike the pattern that would later be established in Production-Code days: the adulteress dies so that the good girl can marry the man — and the final title makes clear that a decent two-year interval was observed. Silent movie with music soundtrack is best known today for being the movie that made Joan Crawford a star. Unfortunately the title is a bit misleading because there is in fact very little dancing in this film.Claudia's Bottom Line: Rather boring and predictable, but check out Joan's Charleston. In spite of Crawford's recognition with this particular silent melodrama focusing on three happy-go-lucky party girls out for a wild time finding men, Dorothy Sebastian and Anita Page being the other two dames in question, it is Page, the third party of the trio, who practically gets the most attention due to her immorality and selfishness in her character. The plot is thus simplistic and formulaic, but it was very well handled by director and cast. These feelings are due entirely to Crawford. Movies are, after all, a reflection of both what we actually are (sometimes, unintentionally so) and a projection of what we wish to be. It's a series of scattered scenes showing flappers hoofing it up and bickering with their mothers who don't want them to be tramps. Staring Anita Page, Dorothy Sebastian, Johnny Mack Brown and Nils Asther. What is fascinating is how completely opposite her later films are. but is being remembered now as a grotesque, campy figure any better than being forgotten? But, do NOT delete any. Watching it right now. Millicent Wetherby is a middle-aged woman whose life is devoid of love and affection. The film throws a light on a very fascinating transitional period. A working girl's fortunes improve when she marries into money, but happiness is not so easily won. These feature films from the late silent period provide valuable insight for composers who are supplying music for previously unscored silents. | Diana (Joan Crawford) has a flamboyant personality that masks a sweet nature, while Ann (Anita Page) is outwardly reserved, but coldly manipulative on the inside. Packed with party scenes, gin, and Charlestons. Contains crowd noises and sound effects. (1928). 85 minutes. July 10, 1926 cover by Julian de Miskey. Drama, Certificate: Passed Not surprising. Overview; Activity; Actors; All comments. If anyone ever doubted Joan Crawford's beauty - I would recommend this film. Our Dancing Daughters was pretty risqué for 1928. They sported stylish short bobbed hair cuts and donned their brothers galoshes. J. Crawford stars as a flapper who deep down had a good heart, whereas A. Thanks to a melodramatic ending (complete with a drunken confrontation and a fall down a stairs), Diana and Ben end up together (or so it is inferred). Top Billed Cast. What made Hanks initially appealing to audiences were his comedies like "The Money Pit" or "Turner & Hooch"" and "Splash". Sounds typical, but it is a must see for film buffs and Crawford fans. Hide ads with . Big mistake. Our Dancing Daughters (66) IMDb 6.7 1 h 23 min 1928 NR. Joan Crawford. Scenariusz: Marian Ainslee, Ruth Cummings, Josephine Lovett. I thoroughly enjoyed this story. He takes Diana's flirtations with other boys as a sign of disinterest in him and marries Ann. Niestety, ten film nie ma jeszcze porządnego opisu. What particularly delighted me. Well. Our Dancing Daughters Share DVD • September 1, 1928 • 1h 24m • NOT RATED • Budget $178,000 As ... See full summary », Diana is outwardly the hit of the party but inwardly virtuous and idealistic. While both compete for the love of wealthy Mack Brown (long before his western days). Rather than take a class studying the 1920s, flappers, silent films, and all the roar of the decade, you can save yourself some time and rent Our Dancing Daughters instead. YEAR: 1928 MOVIE DOWNLOAD: Our Dancing Daughters COUNTRY: American DIRECTOR: Harry Beaumont CAST: Joan Crawford, Nils Asther GENRE: melodrama WIKI PAGE: PLOT: “Dangerous Diana” Medford … The film was a huge hit at the box office. Joan Crawford had gotten good reviews and got noticed in her earlier MGM roles from 1925 to 1928, giving good performances even in some of the dog pictures MGM starred her in. At the very least it showcases an appeal that Crawford had that was completely gone by 50s. Wealthy and flashy Diana falls hard for Ben Blaine--who unjustly interprets her vivacity as looseness and in turn falls hard for prim and proper Anne--who is in fact a vicious gold digger with a heart of stone. Our Dancing Daughters 1928. Our Dancing Daughters is a 1928 American silent drama film starring Joan Crawford and John Mack Brown about the "loosening of youth morals" that took place during the 1920s. Written by three women, Our Dancing Daughters is an interesting example of early female empowerment, teaching women that being true to yourself is better than letting others shape you to their ends. Viewings. Must have seemed OUTRAGEOUS at the time given that the Edwardian period was still clinging to the decade? He's much better in "Red Dust" and "It Happened One Night". They also wore dropped waist dresses to appear more straight up and down like a male and even bound their breasts to be as flat chested as possible! Everything you've ever seen in old 1920s footage can also be seen in this movie. Movie information, genre, rating, running time, photos, trailer, synopsis and user reviews. Her friend Ann is thoroughly selfish and amoral. Directed by Harry Beaumont. Our Dancing Daughters (1928) Reżyseria: Harry Beaumont. External Reviews Joan Crawford got her first taste of first billing and stardom with Our Dancing Daughter where she does the ultimate Charleston of the Twenties. VIP. Of course the boys egged on this behaviour and swooned over this "new" girl who seemed far more approachable and therefore touchable! All about Our Dancing Daughters (1928) English Cinema, Trailer, Video clips, Our Dancing Daughters Reviews, Expert Reviews, Story, Photo Gallery, Trivia & Goofups and Our Dancing Daughters Songs. The first is the opportunity to watch a fledgling medium, one that is still so much with us today, being born. But let's not beat around the bush, the women in this movie are smoking gorgeous, and the guys all look sharp too. This late silent film with synchronized music score and sound effects made Joan Crawford a star at MGM. Our Dancing Daughters is a somewhat forced time capsule of the era but Joan Crawford gives a frantic flapper film performance for the ages. This film was the first in a trilogy - Our Dancing Daughters/Our Modern Maidens (1929)/Our Blushing Brides (1930). OUR DANCING DAUGHTERS (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1928), directed by Harry Beaumont, is memorable today mainly because it made an overnight star of an MGM contractee named Joan Crawford, a resident performer at MGM since 1925. Written by Throughout the film, the girls' mothers dispense motherly advice and, inexplicably, share underwear with their daughters. "Forrest Gump"? Harry Beaumont. What is he known for today? An attractive dancer is rescued from jail by a rich man, who helps her to have her first big opportunity at a musical play on Broadway. Ben doesn't seem to know what the hell he wants and doesn't seem to know very much about women either. This is a poignant story about a changing society, morals, life lessons, and how people handled that. An ambitious factory girl meets a handsome, wealthy lawyer, but he's interested in her as a mistress, not a wife. It is pure soap opera but I LOVE it. Bea (Dorothy Sebastian) used to be a bad girl but is now a good girl and hopes to marry Norman (Nils Asther), who must live with the agony of knowing that Bea was once 'free with her love'. Not beautiful but very pretty and that's an important distinction: Crawford connected with her female fans (and supposedly her fan mail greatly increased after this movie) because she was accessible, not an aloof, above it all beauty like Garbo. When Diana sets her sights on the rich, debonair Ben (Johnny Mack Brown), Ann gets competitive, and successfully steals Ben away from her. A flapper who's secretly a good girl and a gold digging floozy masquerading as an ingénue both vie for the hand of a millionaire. I don't think so. Throughout the film, the girls' mothers dispense motherly advice and, inexplicably, share underwear with their daughters.Ms Crawford was hitting her stride with MGM in '28 and OUR DANCING DAUGHTERS is the best of seven Joan Crawford films released that year and the one that launched her to stardom. 1928 Directed by Harry Beaumont. Will Ben ever see through Anne's facade and realize Diana's true worth? Millicent's solitary existence changes when she encounters Burt Hansen a charismatic younger man. User Ratings | Crawford's legacy would have been completely different had she simply faded away like so many stars of the late 20s and 30s did. Rags-to-riches Hennessey meets newlyweds Jessie and Eddie from his old neighborhood. A third character (Dorothy Sebastian) is a virtuous 'aurea mediocritas', a girl who had a dark past but found redemption through repentance and honesty about her earlier life toward her new fiancé. It had the censors fuming, and kudos to director Harry Beaumont and writer Josephine Lovett for even trying to tackle that rat's nest. Shop Our Dancing Daughters [DVD] [1928] at Best Buy. The plot itself is a pretty thin morality tale. Not really. If you're unfamiliar with galoshes, ..they are rubberized winter boots that usually fit OVER the shoe with a zipper or buckles in front to hold them in place. Eddie plots to have Jessie divorce him, marry Hennessey, divorce Hennessey, then bring Hennessey's money... See full summary ». The whole idea was to shock society and the girls loved scandalizing their parents by trying to look like boys! The medium had reached a point where the action was silent but synchronized to a score and embellished with occasional sound effects such as knocking on doors, ringing of phones or a spoken word here and there. Take Clark Gable. A flapper sets her hat for a man with a hard-drinking wife. Those are the films where is appeal is very clear. But it holds up as a story even nearly a hundred !! A flapper who's secretly a good girl and a gold digging floozy masquerading as an ingénue both vie for the hand of a millionaire. But it did. The movie that launched Joan Crawford's career, and which so nicely captured some of the spirit of the flappers in the late 1920's. Released through Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. In Our Dancing Daughters (1928), Joan Crawford is the epitome of the Charleston-dancing flapper, one of the most enduring images of the time. He takes Diana's flirtations with other boys as a sign of disinterest in him and marries Ann. Getting back to Crawford and "Our Dancing Daughters" it's this early appealing side of Crawford that is so interesting. Our Dancing Daughters 1928 In the midst of the Jazz Age, two friends wrestle with love and liberation. A young woman arrives at the home of her socialite cousin, and soon finds herself sucked into the woman's complex web of deceit. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. So plot wise, there's not much to it and for a lot of people, the film won't hold much appeal outside of seeing what Crawford was like very early in her career. Our Dancing Daughters is a 1928 MGM silent movie. The flapper became the quintessential symbol of the Jazz Age, that era of boundless freedom after World War I. Full of flappers, flasks, and slangy intertitles, the interiors are gorgeous art deco museum pieces and all the gals have adorable bobs and fringed dresses. 0 Comments; All lists. WARNING: You may add parodies. Our Dancing Daughters (1928)/6Teen Our Dancing Daughters (1928)/10 … Set Profile Image; Advertisement. It was the short-lived pinnacle of a dying art form. Chief Engineer 'Crusher" ... See full summary ». This is the pleasure of watching Chaplin, Keaton, Murnau, Griffith. Anyway the fad of flapping boots rather quickly faded away but the "FLAPPER" designation stuck. She's very attractive here. A surprisingly provocative late-Silent Era Gem, Our Dancing Daughters is jazz fueled ode to the roaring 20s, Joan radiant but Anita steals the picture, A wild riot with a breezy amoral plot...fun stuff great dancing, Late silent drama - not outstanding but interesting to see. Complete parodies list Our Dancing Daughters (1928)/2 Broke Girls Our Dancing Daughters (1928)/2 Guns (2013) Our Dancing Daughters (1928)/2 Stupid Dogs Our Dancing Daughters (1928)/3-2-1 Penguins! From the first scene she IS this energetic and honest flapper. Big mistake. It sounds absurd, but I would suggest that Harry Beaumont's 1928 silent film Our Dancing Daughters would make an amusing double bill with Whit Stillman's 1990 film Metropolitan. They may be used so that we can show you our advertisements on third party sites, measure the effectiveness of those advertisements, or exclude you from display advertising. This movie made me wish I was a rich young man in the 1920s. Too often the films that stars are remembered for aren't really the ones that show their appeal. The 1928 silent film OUR DANCING DAUGHTERS is the story of three flappers and their efforts to marry the men of their dreams. Metacritic Reviews. ‎Watch trailers, read customer and critic reviews, and buy Our Dancing Daughters directed by Harry Beaumont for $5.99. The movie was directed by Harry Beaumont. Seen today, viewers might be a little less charitable, though it is still a good and involving film. Appreciation over time. New York opening at the Capitol: 7 October 1928. Release year: 1928 Running time: 85 min In Our Dancing Daughters, Joan Crawford stripped to her teddy and tore into a Charleston powered by a zillion watts of sexual energy - and shocked the corsets and cravats off parents who'd heard disturbing rumblings of what their children were up to. Full of flappers, flasks, and slangy intertitles, the interiors are gorgeous art deco museum pieces and all the gals have adorable bobs and fringed dresses. Wait, that wasn't the point I was going to make, which is that it should surprise nobody this film made Joan Crawford a star. There is an undercurrent of the double standard common for the time (how interesting this was made in the same year Woolf gave her 'A Room of One's Own' speeches); Dorothy Sebastian plays another character who must live down her past, and convince her husband to forgive her for it. View production, box office, & company info. Wow! Ann (Anita Page) is a conniving little tramp who passes herself off as a 'good girl' in order to win the affections of Ben Blaine (Johnny Mack Brown), millionaire from Birmingham. Film Report My personal experience. Comedy. Tanssivat tyttäremme (Our Dancing Daughters) on vuonna 1928 ensi-iltansa saanut yhdysvaltalainen draamamykkäelokuva, jonka pääosissa näyttelevät Joan Crawford, Johnny Mack Brown ja Anita Page.Elokuva sai kaksi Oscar-ehdokkuutta vuonna 1929, parhaasta kuvauksesta ja parhaasta sovitetusta käsikirjoituksesta ja sitä pidetään usein Crawfordin läpimurtoroolina. Josephine Lovett. Union spy Gail Loveless impersonates a black maid in the early days of the Civil War, but complications arise when she falls in love with a Confederate officer. Seen in theater. The scenes of her cutting loose with the Charleston amidst art deco furnishings are certainly the highlight. Unlike The Unknown, one of Joan's previous films, you can see she was, if not already the final product, on the verge of becoming one: she was a star who was only going to shine more brightly with the dawn of a new decade.. Page is a conniving, hypocritical gold-digger who poses as a virtuous girl. Our Dancing Daughters on DVD (883316276655) from Warner Bros. MOD. More Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama and Silent Film DVDs available @ DVD Empire. This FAQ is empty. Diana (Joan Crawford) is a good girl who passes herself off as a bad girl as she too pursues Ben's affections. Datasource: TMDB. Our Dancing Daughters (1928) 09/01/1928 (US) Drama, Romance 1h 24m User Score. Crawford and Anita Page pursue the same newly minted millionaire, who confuses who is "the pure one" and of course gets it wrong. Our Dancing Daughters is a beautiful example of how far the silent cinema had come by 1928, the year it decisively decided to give itself up to talk. Diana (Joan Crawford) is a good girl who passes herself off as a bad girl as she too pursues Ben's affections. A fun movie, worth catching. Our Dancing Daughters (1928) falls firmly within the second category. The S. S. Arcturus sails from Shanghai to San Francisco, and Dr. Jim Craig takes the post of ship's physician in order to be near Ann Grayson, the ship's nurse. Silent drama, released with a synchronized soundtrack that included music — including a few songs — and sound effects. Diana is outwardly the hit of the party but inwardly virtuous and idealistic. By 1928 silent films had developed their art and language to such a refinement that even average productions like this are rich in expression and highly interesting to see. Well these gals decided to wear their brothers galoshes DELIBERATELY UNZIPPED/ or UNBUCKLED so that when doing the Charleston, (and other aberrant dance steps), their boots would FLAP around! | Certificate: Passed Our Dancing Daughters (1928) falls firmly within the second category. Our Dancing Daughters Joan Crawford Johnny Mack Brown Dorothy Sebastian (1928) A flapper (Joan Crawford) loves a millionaire (Johnny Mack Brown), but he tragically marries someone else. If you have ever stumbled onto one of Joan Crawford's films from the 1950's such as Queen Bee or Sudden Fear, what you see is the caricature of Crawford that she herself seemed to endorse: tough, ballsy and no nonsense. Our Dancing Daughters ; Where to watch JustWatch. You genuinely feel for her as the movie progresses and then there's a protectiveness that develops in the viewer. years later. In the midst of the Jazz Age, two friends wrestle with love and liberation. The films plot is ultra simple but the picture is worth investing a little time into, especially as it portrays an era when young people first began asserting themselves through fashion. Check out "Our Dancing Daughters" to find out why. She remained a big star for the next 50 years. Perhaps most are forgotten (does anyone outside of film buffs really talk about Norma Shearer?) , Title: our Dancing Daughters directed by Harry Beaumont for $ 5.99 wish. 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