argument culture examples

An example of a Rogerian argument can be on the subject of feminism. Andy came home from school one day brimming with anger about a “dumb rule” that the principal had announced. From the Latin term for war, agon , agonism is taking a warlike stance to accomplish something that is not literally a war. example, on his assertion that “mass propaganda [can] create a sense of faux intimacy”; likewise, many students took their lead from the concluding line of the passage, where Hedges maintains that an “image-based culture communicates through narratives, pictures, and pseudo-drama.” Any day’s news contains a multitude of examples; here are just a few. In law, a ”push to kill your adversary” has blown litigation out of control. The resulting “argument culture” makes it more difficult to solve problems and is corrosive to the human spirit. You can focus on positive, negative, or controversial factors. Even technology aggravates, as face-to-face communication is replaced by voice-mail and E-mail, and flaming anger is abetted by anonymity. What that means is that you can't just put any statement of fact and have it be your thesis. Like the producer of the television talk show who assumed that the arbiter of success would be the show’s ratings, newspaper editors must be concerned with readership. Hire verified writer $35.80 for a 2-page paper. Noonan begins by saying that Weinstein’s reputation had previously been for “coarse, threatening” and “thug”-like behavior, but that he now seems to have reformed. Arguments For Cultural Relativism One argument for cultural relativism can be found within educational institutions. cultural identity. Game over. If I had a million bucks, I’d pay Deborah Tannen to sit by me at all times, providing simultaneous translation, in her graceful, intelligent, and persuasive way, of what people are really saying when I think they’re saying something else. The writer gives many examples from the American media for how every dialogue is … In asking myself why I did not calmly point out that the man could have asked the boy to please keep his voice down without egregiously upping the ante of disruptively loud rhetoric, I realized that I feared that the angry shouter (the word’s similarity to shooter is not, I think, irrelevant) would turn his wrath on me. 7. This argument confuses dissent with punishment. No. The media has a great responsibility in educating the public on what is the social cultural scene in his country is really like. Among his comments about the limits of print journalism, he said, “There’s this construct, equal credence to what you think the truth is and what’s probably false, but they both get some stature.”. Every RuPaul's Drag Race season 13 runway look, ranked, Spread the love with EW's Valentine's Day gift guide, The Masked Dancer revealed: Every unmasked celebrity on season 1. 1. – Adjusting to different meal times. Here I address only politics and journalism, and the ways that they are intertwined. Her recent books include You Were Always Mom’s Favorite! Argument in Popular Culture Example 1. But not all argumentative essay topics are created equal. Our society has become overwhelmingly adversarial, with consequences not only in our ability to solve problems but also in our personal relationships. Pop culture includes many components you could write about. While examples from the intertwined domains of politics and the press may seem beyond individuals’ power to change, the domain of private interactions – where equally destructive effects of the argument culture are felt – is one in which individuals have power to make quotidian yet revolutionary contributions to the common good. Chinese yin and yang sees polarities as complementary, one needed to balance the other. In other words, the result is a rhetorical boy who cried wolf: because we have scandal inflation, true scandals are more likely to be overlooked. The second form of agonism that characterizes the press is the “everything has two sides” ethic. Your thesis statement should clearly identify an argument. Why or why not? For the media, she suggests, aggression became popular during the Watergate era, and ”[w]hat we have now is a kind of scandal inflation plus predictable cover-ups that are their inevitable by-products.” (Does not paying one’s nanny’s Social Security taxes carry the same ”-gate” weight as ”Contragate”?) There is ample evidence in coverage of any electoral season that the press does not just observe and report but also creates and reinforces the agonistic framework through which we view events. But in reality, the reporters resort to taking up stereotypical point of view, because most of them work for great conglomerates and are under pressure to write positively about the rich and sparingly and negatively about disadvantaged, such as the poor and the blacks. Tannen explains the actions argument culture uses in order to find a solution. I would be tempted to adopt that term were I not hesitant to become part of a problem that my book addressed: the ubiquity of war metaphors and their role in contributing to a widespread agonistic spirit. For example, an opponent might argue that zoos should be banned because they encourage people to see animals as subjects in captivity. Read on! Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. . Not only do you have to structure your essay right to have a good impact on the reader, but even your choice of subject can impact how readers feel about your work. The agonism in politics that I described in the late 1990s has now reached unforeseen heights. In 1996, fourteen senators left Congress voluntarily, an unprecedented event that Norman Ornstein documented in his book Lessons and Legacies: Farewell Addresses from the Senate, a collection of essays by thirteen of the departing senators. For example, everyone knows that puppies are cute. Deborah Tannen is a best-selling author whose books focus on how men and women have different conversation habits. We have daily opportunities to change the spirit with which we approach each other (a change suggested by the wording I just chose, each other, in contrast to the alternative, others). . By creating an atmosphere of animosity, it makes individuals more likely to turn on each other, so that everyone feels more vulnerable and more isolated. The main purpose of an argumentative essay is to inform rather than convince – that’s why this type of paper should not be confused with a persuasive essay. In The Argument Culture, I describe agonism in politics, the press, law, and education. That risk is even more real today, as I argue in this essay (but argue in the sense of making an argument, not of having one). But metaphors seep into our thinking and shape our responses. Deborah Tannen is University Professor in the Department of Linguistics at Georgetown University. But once the show began, it proceeded very differently. In another Newsweek article, Peggy Noonan repeatedly cited her editor’s insistence that her article must attack its subject, thus fulfilling that requirement while pretending not to cave in to editorial pressure. But if there is a fight outside your window every night, you shut the window and try to block them out. The validity of the deductive arguments comes from the reasoning that is done about the premises: if valid premises are presented, the conclusion can only be valid. Their role should be that of a watchdog, alert to malfeasance when it rears its head. We have to write a bad story about you every day. The right to express an opinion can be great, but it can create a dilemma. “If you care about your future, you will donate to my campaign.” This political argument is giving two options: 1) give me money 2) admit you don’t care about your future. 475) If you are looking for a good discussion, these topics are for you! And that is why the argument culture is destructive to the common good. This is not an exhaustive list. In my final paper, I propose to explore Neal Gabler’s argument that “Celebrity Culture is Beneficial” using the reality television series, Keeping up with the Kardashian’s. During Pete’s memorial service, his son Andrew rose to recall a brief conversation he had had with his father when he was in his teens. When writing an argumentative essay, you want to choose a controversial issue to write your paper on. Many named the increasing agonism of the Senate as their reason for leaving. They are just words – or, in the case of visual metaphors, just pictures. Finding ways to solve the dispute, is important for the society to function. The Argument Culture is an excerpt from Deborah Tannen’s book. This is just one of many problems that result from our overreliance on the “two sides” metaphor. How ironic that concern now seems. But he declined to join her in mockery or contempt. The show began like many others I was on at the time: I was seated facing a small studio audience, along with this young man and several women guests who had volunteered to come on the show to talk about frustrations they encountered in communicating with their husbands. I am not against debate, opposition, controversy, or disagreement. Other examples of “cancel culture” have the same pitiful stakes. Such an argument is persuasive because the audience wants to believe what their prejudice tells them is true. Deductive argumentation is the best kind of argumentation because it draws conclusions from premises that are verifiable and verifiable. Must read. Right and wrong are only matters of opinion, and opinions vary from culture to culture. Many readers will regard with a sense of despair the rise of adversativeness in politics and the press, feeling that there is nothing they can do to change it. War metaphors come so naturally, and are so catchy, that we barely notice them. After I had made a few opening remarks about women’s and men’s ways of speaking, this young man leaned forward in his chair, thrust his arms out before him, and began to spew venomous invective. In addition to being an impressive literary sleight of hand, her inclusion of her editor’s injunctions illustrates journalists’ fear of the puff piece accusation. In … Regardless of the topic, subject or … That’s why they invited me on the show, so that’s what I’m going to do.”. It begins with a plaque saying: “Every four years, Americans elect a president. In that spirit, the essay called a New York Times article praising the governor a “shameless puff piece.”. List Of Original Argumentative Essay Topics On Pop Culture. They usually start with a controversial thesis like “Aaron Rodgers is a better quarterback than Carson Palmer.” Then the two hosts will argue back and forth over whether the thesis is true or false. The argument culture urges us to approach the world -- and the people in it -- in an adversarial frame of mind. In the green room, where guests gathered before the show, an oddly dressed young man greeted me pleasantly. The media has a great responsibility in educating the public on what is the social cultural scene in his country is really like. “That’s right,” joined a man seated behind him. A recent interview with the Detroit TV reporter Charlie LeDuff highlighted how the commitment to providing “two sides” can give credence to false information. When she was a graduate student, she recounted, she had served as a teaching assistant working with Pete. For example, if you wanted to write about abolishing the harmful cultural practice of child marriage in India, a persuasive essay would be ideal. You can write it on a paper that has two sides of an issue. I read the earlier edition, published in 1998, when the internet and email were new; consider instead reading the later edition, with the subtitle “Stopping America’s War of Words,” which I suspect includes updated examples and covers topics such as the culture of argument and culture of (destructive) criticism in social media. 674 thoughts on “ The Argument From Cultural Evolution ” transientpetersen July 10, 2015 at 11:32 pm. The boy seemed genuinely puzzled and asked meekly, “What did I do?” This seemed to stoke the shouter’s anger, as he railed, “You consider yourself a man and you don’t know what you did? .The battle for control of the story and image was on.”. Appeal to pity. The victims of cancel culture are generally not powerful people. Many of your daily misunderstandings at work are nothing more than clear examples of cultural differences in the workplace. It leaves everyone feeling even more alone. Agonism underlies our conviction that opposition leads to truth, so the best way to discuss an idea is to have proponents of two opposing sides face off in a debate; the best way to cover news is to find spokespeople for the most extreme, polarized views and present them as “both sides”; the best way to settle disputes is litigation that pits one party against the other, with a winner-take-all result; the best way to frame an article is an attack; and the best way to show you are really thinking is to criticize. For an analytical paper, feel free to pick any aspect of pop culture. A second and perhaps less obvious form of agonism is the conviction that opposition leads to truth; this conviction accounts for the widespread belief that “balance” is the primary goal of coverage – indeed, that the journalistic job is done if and only if “both sides” of an issue have been presented. Agonism surrounds us in the form of ubiquitous military metaphors: the war on poverty, war on cancer, war on drugs, war on terror, and so on. By pointing out that the principal might be subject to pressures unknown to students, and that undergraduate writers came up not only with infelicities but also with insights, Pete taught his son and his teaching assistant to see others – those in authority as well as those in subordinate positions – as fundamentally human. (The producer said as much when I complained, afterward, about the destructiveness of turning the show into a fight; she said that the wisdom of her choice would be revealed when the ratings became known.) This provides a revealing glimpse into the ethic of aggression that is common among journalists. Later in the memorial service a woman rose to tell a story with a similar conclusion. Why, you might wonder, be concerned about metaphors? The main point of an argumentative essay is … He wonders if I shouldn’t include the testimony of an old Weinstein associate who doesn’t quite buy the story of Harvey’s permanent rebirth.” She then quotes that associate as saying, “The day after the Oscars he will fall into his old bad habits.” Noonan thus does exactly what she says her editor wanted her to do, to avoid the accusation of “getting rolled” (itself a fight metaphor). Indeed, Dr. Andrew Weil recommends that people go on a “news fast” to preserve their equilibrium and mental health. In You Just Don’t Understand, Tannen analyzed male and female conversational styles without once needing to rely on Mars and Venus as planetary shorthand; in Talking From 9 to 5 she illuminated what goes on at the office. And while employing various techniques adopted from other cultures is appealing (the author likens the approach to creating ”a well-balanced stock portfolio” in order to create ”more than one path to the goal we seek”), we are fixed — let’s not say trapped — in an American civilization so big, so interlocked, so high-speed, that the individual who chooses dialogue over debate is in danger of being drowned out, overruled, left behind. They may have developed from other American Indian peoples already in the Southeast, or they may have migrated there from another region. Rogerian Argument. An ineffective thesis statement would be, "Puppies are adorable and everyone knows it." this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. This subtle change of stance transforms the world from a place of hostility to a place of community, in which we are connected to rather than separated from the many strangers we encounter daily. And that is another example of how the argument culture makes everyone feel vulnerable. © Copyright 2021 Meredith Corporation. For example, an argument based on stereotype is an example of ignorance fallacy. He was just participating in a verbal game that the show’s producers believed would increase viewership. It was a lesson, she said, that made her a better teacher – and a better person. The most important thing about writing an argumentative essay is being persuasive. The affable hunter says to the doubtful-looking deer, “If we should meet in the woods and anything happens, remember it’s just hunting.” The cartoon reminded me of an experience I had on a San Francisco television talk show following the publication of my book You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation. A strong commentary on the debate culture that has flourished for the sake of argument. Religion scholar and historian Deborah Lipstadt experienced the fatuousness and destructiveness of this conviction when her book Denying the Holocaust was published. Key to my notion of the argument culture is the term agonism, which I have borrowed from the late Jesuit scholar Walter Ong. Although they were the perpetrators and not the victims of the verbal attacks on the women guests, they, too, were losing out. No matter where you work, chances are you are surrounded by examples of cultural differences. show that you understand the other side. They were losing out on the sense of community that was created on other shows, when studio audience members responded to the experiences described by women or couples by saying that they had had similar experiences of their own. The turn that the discussion had taken reminded me of the subject of my most recent book, The Argument Culture. The next plaque goes on to say, “This exhibit examines the tactics used by politicians – and illuminated by the press – to put democracy to the test and a candidate in the White House.” This formulation casts the press as a mere observer – illuminating politicians’ tactics – whereas in fact the role played by the press is far more active. Finding an Ignorance Fallacy Ignorance fallacies can be found … These examples of cultural differences lead us to the Cultural Differences Argument for Moral Relativism : “Different cultures have different moral codes ; there is neither an objectively right nor objectively wrong custom. Make sure to use academic resources and professional critique. In contrast, seeing those with similar frustrations being vilified reinforces a sense of shame and reluctance to voice one’s concerns. The “two sides” metaphor also creates the appearance of moral equivalence, such as the case where the Unabomber’s deranged manifesto was published side by side with the writings of a university professor who was maimed by a bomb he sent. The incident has stayed with me because I blamed myself – at the time and ever since – for not speaking up in the boy’s defense. On the NPR show Fresh Air, LeDuff, who had a successful career with both The Detroit News and The New York Times, was asked why he gave up writing for newspapers. It is no surprise that Noonan puts the agonistic ethic in the mouth of her editor. For example, the necessary budget could be obtained by reducing profit margins, reducing raises for upper-level employees, or doing budget cuts elsewhere. ”Asian cultures…place great value on avoiding open expression of disagreement and conflict because they emphasize harmony.” Tannen admires Japanese tradition, where ”winners and losers both have their place and are expected to coexist, the losers retaining a large measure of respect.” Native Hawaiians hold ”setting things right” ceremonies. In politics, the argument culture means that even the day after an election, campaign strategy for the next round begins again, with one side working against the other rather than together. Let’s consider a few examples: One argument for cultural relativism can be found within educational institutions. Now, with the empathy of a therapist and the authority of a linguistics professor (at Georgetown), Tannen stretches her scholarship further outward. When New York magazine featured a story entitled “2012: The Bloodiest Campaign Ever,” the cover displayed a photo of Romney’s and Obama’s faces literally bloodied, black and blue, and plastered with bandaids and sutures. Cancel culture is most effective against people who are still rising in their fields, and … Appeal to tradition (also known as argumentum ad antiquitatem or argumentum ad antiquitam, appeal to antiquity, or appeal to common practice) is an argument in which a thesis is deemed correct on the basis that it is correlated with some past or present tradition.The appeal takes the form of "this is right because we've always done it this way." But that sense of helplessness need not apply to the rise of agonism in our personal lives. The editor of one such newspaper was explicit in explaining why he accepted the deniers’ ad: “There are two sides to every issue and both have a place on the pages of any open-minded paper’s editorial page.” The ability to masquerade as the other side in a debate has resulted in Holocaust denial having more success in the United States than in any other country. It becomes difficult for policy to be informed by research, because findings seem to be questioned as quickly as they are reported. Agonism takes two forms in the press. Don’t take it personally. We have the power to resist taking adversarial stances toward each other in our private interactions. The daily “bad stories” were not sparked by specific wrongdoing that journalists uncovered but were triggered automatically by a perceived requirement. Tannen gives as an example. Some examples include ongoing arguments in favor of canceling the art of Paul Gauguin, refusing to watch or screen films involving Roman Polanski, and the network cancellations of Cosby Show reruns. Because of the ethic of aggression, an article that attacks needs no justification, while praise or support is regarded as suspect. (pg. War metaphors are also everywhere in coverage of political campaigns. And the boy’s offense was simply the volume of his conversation, whereas his attacker was filling the train car not only with the volume of his diatribe but with its venom. He also taught them to try seeing the world from others’ perspectives. Here are some topic examples … I recently had occasion to witness an example of this while a passenger on the Acela, the high-speed train that connects Washington, D.C., and New York City. But just as raising ratings by turning a television show into an attack on women has consequences, so does assuming that journalism requires attack on its subjects. The phrase “combat culture,” though appealing for its crisp consonants and satisfying alliteration, would be a verbal analogue to the visual metaphor on the cover of the first edition of The Argument Culture, a cover to which I objected in vain: against a stark white background was a photograph of a menacing dark gray bomb with an ominously short fuse. Get a verified writer to help you with Culture of Cherokee American Indians. Write it on a paper that has flourished for the society to function a man seated him... Aspect of the story and image argument culture examples on. ” use academic resources and professional critique everything! The Senate as their reason for leaving she is currently a fellow at the Center for Advanced in... S right, ” joined a man seated behind him asked if it would be hard to with... 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