5th dimensional beings

Use this time to learn how to use your intuition instead and develop your 6th sense. The absolute nothingness that exists within the center of our being has a, pull to it. wide in diameter, and it is responsible for infinitely fueling all 500 million Suns in our Milky Way. Slow down and listen to yours, I guarantee it will make you ten times happier. What I find even more astronomically interesting is that the Dog Star Sirius (which Alcyone orbits) also completed its 225 million year orbit around the entire Milky Way galaxy on this auspicious day! In the 5th dimension you’ll experience a profound inner peace with everyone in your life. Advanced beings will assist you and even help you to time travel with your body to other worlds and dimensions. When your karma (energetic subconscious patterns) comes up to be processed and released, you will feel this, and naturally, something deep inside you will just relax and let it go. Fifth Dimensional Beings HERE among Humanity. We incarnate here as androgynous stellar beings. Throughout 2020, there were some who held the belief that the Earth will shift suddenly and completely from being a 3rd Dimensional planet to being a 4th or 5th Dimensional … And focusing on your anus and sex center say the words three times, “Relaxed Being”. Just like our body’s electromagnetic field, if we vibrate with joy and harmony, so will the people around us and the planet. We all want to enjoy our time here to the maximum. The higher frequencies on the planet impact us on the most subtle and deepest levels. You will enter into the sphere of your existence which means that you’ll be able to jump into any event in your life, past or future instantly and experience whatever it is you wish to experience. In my personal research threading through the inner dimensional worlds, with assistance from my spiritual guide to reach deep states in meditation practice, I’ve discovered 7 basic signs that let you know what it’s like to exist in the 5th Dimension. If you treat the spiritual / emotional disconnection that triggered your disease, you will heal the illness. Many say that this energy field will cause us to shift from the lower “3D consciousness” into a more enlightened 5D reality. The longer you can remain in a relaxed perfect stillness, the more crystal clear your mind will become, and the easier it will be to remain at peace as the energies increase. 2. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Just like the caterpillar must eat his own feces to obtain the proper nutrients to grow his wings, we are all in this mass cocoon together growing our 5D wings! to have increased awareness and to operate in life from your Soul essence. The 4th and 5th dimensions are like receiving a major upgrade in your operating software and DNA hardware. Astronomers have discovered that during this time, our solar system will be passing through the core of a massive photon belt floating in the Milky Way, which we will be moving through for the next 2000 years! Guided Meditation to Heal the Body, Mind and Soul, Guided Meditation to Manifesting an Enlightened Loving Soul Mate, The Guided Meditation to Experiencing Samadhi, Personal Manifesting Sessions with Jafree Ozwald, The Million Dollar Manifesting Meditation, The Self Love Meditation - Merging with your Divine Essence, Jafree's Golden Money Manifesting Technique, The Guided Meditation to Become a Manifesting Magnet, Guided Meditation for Manifesting an Abundance of Money, Guided Meditation for Awakening your Kundalini, My Favorite 5D Awakening Books, Music, Movies…, The 7 Signs You’re Entering the 5th Dimension, Super Manifestation “Rocket Fuel” Formula, How to Increase your Manifesting Vibration, The Healing Miracle of a Green Juice Cleanse, My Favorite Spiritually Awakening Books, Music, and Movies…, 7 Secrets for Generating Enlightened Sperm. If interpreted physically, that is one more than the usual three spatial dimensions and the fourth dimension of time used in relativistic physics. I would personally like to help you access 5D consciousness and have created a proven online 5D Manifestation Program that will instantly take you there! Receive Free Support Entering 5D Consciousness Now. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Life will be full of lightness and a love for being alive that it creates a timeless sensation of your life. In newly published research, a … We all need to break through our deeply misguided programming which we received growing up that was deeply misinformed about these higher truths. These are beings whose consciousness is centred in the 4th density and higher. Listen to your heart and not your head. GD: So how does a 5th dimensional being experiencing frustration, what does that look like in comparison to a 3rd dimensional being? Example 1: A one dimensional creature and its ability to perceive a two-dimensional object Imagine that there is a one-dimensional creature (Walter). Trust your feelings and listen to your gut more than anyone else’s opinion. Some call it the astral plane, this is the level of focus, information, form and change. The normal string of events in a day may not seem to happen in order or a “straight line”. The great galactic alignment marks the birth of a completely new era for humankind. Whatever you once thought was impossible to happen, will and can manifest right before your very eyes. For you to see all the 5D beings around you depends on your belief system and your ability to transcend the layers of limiting thoughts that restrict your consciousness from experiencing the seemingly impossible. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Every challenging memory from your past will become easier for you to be with. Make time to sit, be still, totally silent, and solitary everyday. The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart. Don’t move a muscle, keep your eyes relaxed, your shoulders and jaw relaxed, and just watch the breath as the body breathes for you. A real feeling of wonder and excitement will be inside you about your life, as this natural lightness will help you to greet new opportunities with real love and gratitude each moment. This higher frequency of energy is creating a massive planetary shift into 5D consciousness so we can all evolve as a species from 3D into the 4th and 5th dimensions. March 14, 2021. All 9 planets in our solar system, including our Earth, Moon, and our Sun came into perfect alignment with each other. He is usually presented as a trickster deity in the classical mythological sense. I strongly encourage you to start contemplating the Gene Keys by Richard Rudd. By integrating these habits below, you’ll create an energetic shift inside you so that you can use it to access the highest dimensions in consciousness! We all need to break through our deeply misguided programming which we received growing up that was deeply misinformed about these higher truths. Life has been relentless with your “healing” process. This practice will naturally help you ascend and open yourself up to experiencing the highest levels of joy and inner peace with effortless ease. You will realize that you are not the doer and that a higher power doing life through you. That is what your meditation time of stillness is for, so make time to get really good at finding this place of peace inside you! The 4th … Check out my favorite super Green Juice Cleanse program it’s amazing! There is no telling with today’s technology how exponentially fast or soon things can shift. When you hang up the next song you hear on the radio will contain the words that instantly answer your question for you. You will know that you’re entering the 4D or 5th Dimensional realm because you’ll feel very spacious and light. Take this sacred time to discover what an extraordinary being you are, who is filled with that which is the most sacred and divine. So when there is frustration sometime there is an element of sorrow or sadness that things have not moved more rapidly. Those are referred to the ones who are truly INVISIBLE yet living among HUMANITY for such long period in. NOTE: The best advice I’ve ever received on my spiritual journey was this. Entering 5D is all about true alchemy. You will be releasing all the old heavy baggage you’ve been carrying for lifetimes! This stillness is what keeps us centered, sane, and is the great door to access our 5th-dimensional consciousness. On an interesting side note, this holy black hole is massive, it is millions of miles wide in diameter and it is what fuels all 100 BILLION suns in our galaxy and keeps our sun alive for billions of years. The Fifth Dimension is a Plane of Consciousness The Fifth Dimension is a level of consciousness. Throughout your daily life, you will notice that you begin to experience significantly more feelings of … This is the realm of time. You are not using your intuition for example if you don’t follow your true passion because you think it can’t bring you money. In order to be able to make decisions based on your intuition, you first need to relax enough so that you can hear it. Make the commitment to devote your life to remain in Trust, Love, and Surrender to your Highest Possible Self. You’ll feel and know you are communicating with the 5th-dimensional beings who are tuned into you by a deep interconnected feeling in the chest, heart, and belly. Jafree Ozwald is one of the millions of light beings on this planet who have come here to help assist in this global spiritual awakening. Our vision is to organize humanity for the purpose of thriving. Subscribe to my monthly newsletter and receive more inspiring content or follow me on your favorite social media -Links to my accounts are on the top right of this page. It will feel like you are on a miraculous journey through a magical world and anything is possible! This may be from angelic guides, spirit guides, past ancestors, or beings on a higher plane showing you the way home. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The most fascinating part of all of this is how this great alignment has impacted the vibration and consciousness on the planet. If you wish to hear more clearly what these beings are saying, you can ask them to assist you in another mini-upgrade and learn how to tune into them like you were a radio station finding where your favorite tunes. Yet once we get them off, we are going to feel soooooo much better!! This stillness is what keeps us centered, sane, and is the great door to access our 5th-dimensional consciousness. These cookies do not store any personal information. Click here to Explore the Super Manifesting Program Now! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The Schumann resonance which measures the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum has been rising since 2012. Look into the Organizing the Future Human Master Mind Program. So you bow down and respect the mystery of life, knowing it will all be totally perfect exactly as it unfolds for you. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Spiritually, starting from the beginning, it is the last stop downward on the dimensional ladder before we enter the realms of limitation. The 5th dimensional aspect cannot be defined as the 5th dimension is a formless expression of consciousness. To be able to do this, we must travel deeply inside ourselves, and rest in the silent source that is at the core of who we truly are. 4. The trick to an easier shift into 5D is remembering as often as possible that the Universe you see outside you, is merely reflecting the Universe that is within you. Shift your inner world and the outer world will follow. The absolute nothingness that exists within the center of our being has a spiritual magnetic pull to it. Enjoy this grand spiritual adventure as it is truly an amazing and beautiful inner journey! Instantly ignite your natural manifesting powers NOW!! You will be able to learn how to pass your hand through a solid surface, physically levitate above the ground, move objects with your mind, bi-locate, be in 3 or more places at the same time, and basically anything that you can imagine you will be able to experience. For starters, the black hole that exists at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy is. The Possibility that All Life is a Single 5 th-Dimensional Entity. The black hole in the center of the wheel of all life in our Milky Way. Read more information about our extraterrestrial community by Clicking Here! Three (3) characteristics of what it means to be a fifth dimensional being and why you would want to strive to attain such a state. This soft warm healing feeling will be so comforting that you won’t be so inclined to spend soooo much time up in your head. Mxyzptlk possesses reality-warping powers with which he enjoys tormenting Superman or making life difficult. Our black hole acts like a cosmic womb and is so magnetic that it alone is responsible for keeping all 500 million stars in the Milky Way in perfect balance with its gravitational pull. Jafree is a rare soul who carefully wields healing knowledge and psychic intuition like a sword – cutting a clear path through the veils of misunderstanding, fear and separation. It is nothing to be concerned about as the energy at this point on the planet is already so high, that the darker beings cannot handle the vibration. They tend to differ from non-human negative entities (below) in that they each have an individual soul. You can change your thinking, open up your perspective, expand your paradigm on reality. Why is all this astronomical scientific information important to you? Tapping into this vast spacious stillness all throughout your day offers us the incomprehensible feeling that everything is already revolving in Divine perfection. This powerful enlightening information shows you exactly how to manifest your dream life with effortless joy and ease. If you are willing to remain in TRUST, LOVE, and SURRENDER to your HIGHEST SELF you will naturally ascend and open yourself up to experiencing the 5th Dimensional consciousness with joy and effortless ease. we access the very innermost center of our existence. Can you see how human beings are similar to this black hole configuration? You have hemorrhoids? Support by making a donation. It will help if you reboot it (meditate, exercise, and go raw/vegetarian diet) which will make your body and mind much more stable, expansive, have a sharp creative mind, clear memory, and make your overall life much easier to operate. 1. During this time of increasing energy and vibration on the planet, we must keep a high-frequency level if we are to fully explore this world in the most enlightening and enjoyable way. It’s as if your mind-body will be offered to work inside the newest fastest computer that operates smoothly at the speed of light! But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The 5th dimension is an even lighter in frequency, having a more pure love, cosmic consciousness and a true multi-dimensional reality. Whenever you can, sit very very still, as if you were a statue made from one solid diamond. You will see a wider spectrum of light and frequency that may even appear like sparkly rainbow ‘hippie’ colors. St.G: Not as you consider it. On an interesting side note, this holy black hole is massive, it is millions of miles wide in diameter and it is what. The only thing they really sense is light and food. The 4th acts much like a purifying filter, for it is the realm of the heart that is filled with love, oneness, and lightness. As your consciousness increases you will be able to access more love, joy, and peace than you ever knew was possible. To embody the fifth dimension simply means to slow down and to act from your authentic whisperings. Our black hole acts like a cosmic womb and is so magnetic that it alone is responsible for keeping all 500 million stars in the Milky Way in perfect balance with its gravitational pull. Do a raw Green Juice Cleanse if your body is overweight, fighting any illness or disease, or you simply are feeling emotionally stuck! This is also the dimension of the subconscious mind, and where one can tap into to have advanced psychic abilities. Perhaps the most difficult part of the ascension … If you want the slower path, sign up to receive my FREE Enlightened Messages Email and you will still get the Divine daily assistance that you need on your life’s great spiritual journey…enjoy!! Businesses now must increase corporate consciousness if they want to survive. When your third eye is fully open, you will start to see through this 3D dimension and into the 4th and 5th layers. It is the vortex that keeps our planet and people happy and alive. It’s like we are taking off an old worn-out pair of shoes that are 3 sizes too small! During this upgrade from 3D to 4D you will experience random feelings of deep inner peace, and thoughts about letting go of everything in your life. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. I believe this alignment is responsible for creating this shift into 5D consciousness and will initiate a very special global spiritual awakening process in which we all incarnated to experience at this time. We have incarnated in this dimension and on this timeline to experience what it means to be on the leading edge of evolution. Everyone on our planet will be shifting from 3D consciousness into a 5th Dimensional enlightened reality. Often, you just need to become aware of the disconnection to rectify (unintended semi-pun here ) the situation . Don’t worry about this! Nature is the greatest healer and feeling of grounded safe comfort that humans can find. It may just be the greatest gift you’ve ever given yourself, “Jafree has a warrior’s persistence, childlike playfulness, a poet’s gentle heart, and a mystic’s soul. We are that, and that is all there is. that permeates everything and you are that! Ask for help! For example, you may be chatting on the phone with a friend and ask them some random question that they cannot answer. We need to drop our old preconceptions about reality and the limitations of who we believe we are in order to make the leap into 5D. “Let’s get together every Friday night at 7:30 at so … Daily life will be bubbling frequently with sensations of gratitude, joy, lightness, love, … Awakening to 5D begins with understanding that the Universal body is an extension of your physical body because there is only one consciousness that permeates everything and you are that! Who knows what will happen once we get the ball rolling. Manifesting Secrets & Life Mastery Wisdom. This means anything you can imagine you can manifest in the physical 3D world, including things with your new upgraded body. You enjoyed this article but not enough to make a donation  Similarly, Fifth Density beings don’t necessarily have access to a fifth spatial dimension barred to Fourth Density beings. As our planet adapts to higher vibrations, you may find yourself using your heart more and your headless. When we reach this zero point of stillness of mind (through meditation) we access the very innermost center of our existence. You are aware that Mother Earth, Gaia, is also ascending into the 5th dimension. You’ll notice when you’re not abiding by this formula when you start to experience intense suffering in your inner world. Like Attracts Like. Scientists have also reported that our planet is reaching closer towards a zero point in our magnetic field, which is causing everything to speed up, and make every human being experience a dramatic shift in their perception of reality. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. You can attune your listening to an orchestra of light that is constantly playing in the background, bringing tears of joy to your heart. The techniques in Super Manifestor work wonders at helped people step out of ego and into the freedom 5D consciousness. The same number of events may happen on a normal day, yet there will a much deeper richer, and more juicy experience of each one. In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. Be sincere in your requests, asking from the heart for what you want, and know that it is on its way to you. In doing so, you take part in shaping the next human civilization when peace and cooperation will reign, and when famine and money will no longer exist. You’ll know you are an eternal being who cannot die and is all-powerful. We need to drop our old preconceptions about reality and the limitations of, in order to make the leap into 5D. Sometimes the answer will come first before the question comes, or they can even show up at the exact same time! Learn how to relax, heal yourself, have fun, and enjoy life especially when it feels like the world is coming to end. The 3D view of time will seem pointless and like kindergarten consciousness, as you’ll understand that there is no end to this life. I think it’s safe to say however, that everyone on the planet feels the paradigm shift happening -Where the status quo no longer serves us and we are all striving to ascend to a more evolved way of living and being. Fifth Dimensional Beings Invisible yet HERE are the ones who live AMONG us in the 5th dimension. You’ll sense this open trusting effortless flow of life in each moment. Wanna delve deeper into the rabbit hole? As your vibration becomes lighter you will organically attract like-minded people … Many people will be able to hear these higher-dimensional messages long before they will see them. Beyond StruKtureS is a personal growth & development school, bringing the science of mental healing into the world. Trust how your heart responds to new information. Within 90 days on this program, you’ll learn exactly how to manifest your dream life with effortless joy and ease… guaranteed! To live with purpose and to go beyond our limited selves to higher states / dimensions / realms of existence and push the boundaries of consciousness. Yes…this is a VERY special time to be alive on the planet! Just know who you are cannot be limited or labeled any quantified experience. You are not alone on this journey. To make the fifth dimension subject to the fourth dimension is a tragic mistake. I believe all of these galactic synchronicities point to the one simple fact. Everyone is here to do their work of learning the lessons their soul came here to learn. When we reach this zero point of stillness of mind (through. ) 3. Your True Self knows what it came to do in this lifetime. We are all here to execute our existential plan for this lifetime*. On any spiritual path, I find it is deeply important to learn how to use everything you can for your awakening. When your heart opens and relaxes, this is a YES. What’s even more amazing is that our Sun (which orbits the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation), also simultaneously completed its return orbit back towards Alcyone on this exact date, and this complete cycle only happens every 26,000 years! You will move like water from one life experience to the next. The relationship between time and the perception higher-order dimensions . Essentially you will stop all of your suffering. To shift our stubborn old egos into 5D consciousness, I find it is essential every day to allow yourself to access feelings of humility, vulnerability, and the state of absolute nothingness. I personally prefer to use the word ‘level’ or ‘plane’, rather than ‘dimension’ so that we don’t overly give our power away to … Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It’s like a 3rd grader entering the classroom of a physics mastery program and trying to remember and relate the pertinent information to his world. Description: Primarily 4th and 5th dimensional beings. This is the only way you can enter into these higher vibrational 4D and 5D levels that are full of trust, lightness, laughter, and love. The higher the frequency of the subject that you want to talk about with them, the easier it is for them to hear, understand and notice that you’re speaking to them. You will feel embraced by this new family and know where your true roots are. There is so much true information as well as misinformation. This instant download contains over 350 pages of enlightening material and 250 minutes of manifesting meditations on MP3 audio! They sometimes have an interest in engaging with 3rd density beings, such as humans. Spend as much time close to nature as possible. Intuition is direct knowing without referring to logical thinking. 6. In mathematics, a sequence of N numbers can represent a location in an N -dimensional space. The 4D or 5th dimensional beings are slender and androgynous in appearance with large almond shaped eyes all astronomical... Body and mind the Organizing the Future Human Master mind Program you hear on the planet impact us the... 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